
YOGYAKARTA - Some athletes are trying to push for their skills. On the biggest sporting stage in the world, the Olympics, there are many examples of athletes turning to chemical use for more performance. Curious about some of the biggest doping scandal cases?

The majority of substances are used to improve performance and are prohibited from exercising, but many do not

detectable or unclassified. In Olympic history, cheating is often punished quickly, but sometimes official decisions take years to complete.

Lance Armstrong (US), 2000

After the initial Tour de France victory in 1999, American cyclist and cancerist Lance Armstrong became a resilience icon. Along with growing popularity, as well as Livestrong profile, his cancer charity organization.

But his 7 Tour de France titles (from 1999 to 2005) must be revoked in 2012 after years of suspicion peaked with the disclosure of complicated and diverse doping schemes in the US Post Service team Armstrong.

Sourced from this fact, in 2013, the International Olympic Committee canceled the bronze medal that Armstrong won for a men's highway trial at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia. Soon after, Armstrong publicly pleaded his first publicly guilty confession in a short interview on tv with Oprah Winfrey.

Luiza Galiulina ( Uzbekistan), 2012

Luiza Galiulina is a gymnast from Uzbekistan who in 2012 will appear for both of them at the Summer Olympics in London. After testing positive for furosemide, a diuretic that is thought to be a covering agent or weight loss supplement, Galiulina is temporarily banned from playing.

Galulina deliberately denied taking the drug, and she said that her mother had given her heart medicine a month earlier. Furosemide is also used to cure high blood pressure or congruent heart failure.

Galiulina forgot the artistic gymnastics competition that was scheduled for the ban. A few days after that, when the reserve samples also tested positive, he was expelled from the Olympics, and after that he was suspended for 2 years.

Team Rusia, 2012, 2014 & 2016

Russian athletes have been burdened with doping suspicions in parts of the Olympics, but these allegations have been exacerbated by the fact of the doping scheme, for the New York Times report.

This is stated in the disclosure of the sample exchange system to protect fraudulent athletes, in an effort to increase Russia's medal tally when the country hosted the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

According to a report from the World Anti-Doping Agency, the International Olympic Committee said, "All Russian athletes are thought to be affected by systems that overthrow and manipulate anti-doping systems."

However, the organization handed over to the governing body each sport to ensure the feasibility of individual athletes. As a result, 271 of the 389 Russian athletes were released to compete in the 2016 Summer Olympics in Brazil, according to reports from several sources. After that the International Paralympic Committee banned all Russian federations from competing in the Rio Paralympics.

Ben Johnson (Canada), 1988

3 days after running led to victory in the 100m final at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea, Canadian track star Ben Johnson was disqualified for positive tests for steroid stonozolol.

Johnson successfully set a new world record with a time of 9.79 seconds in the race. When the positive drug test came to light, Johnson denied making a mistake, but after that admitted to wearing different steroids, furazabolic, while practicing for the Olympics.

Johnson's record was removed and the gold medal awarded to Americans Carl Lewis instead. In 1993, Johnson failed a second drug test, resulting in an increase in the testosterone- epitESTosteron ratio, as well as the International Beginner Athletics Federation, Cross and Field regulatory agencies, banning him for life.

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