
YOGYAKARTA To get a good balance of body, you need training, one of which is gymnastics. There are many floor gymnastics movements to train body balance so that they don't fall easily.

The following article will provide advice on gymnastics movements that can be done independently at home.

Please note, floor exercise or floor exercise is one of the gymnastics that can be done in areas that have a surface of 12 square meters. In addition, gymnastics actors must also use mattresses or mats as a base to reduce the impact.

One of the benefits of floor gymnastics is to train balance. When the body has a good balance, the risk of falling because certain positions can be minimized. In addition, it can also add fitness and strength. The exercise that can be done to train balance is as follows.

In floor gymnastics there is a waxy attitude performed by sticking your legs up, while the head down. When doing this attitude, the weight of the body is piled up using the upper back while the hands hold the hips.

The headstand or standing cyclone with a head pile is almost the same as the wax attitude, which distinguishes it is the focus on the head that holds the weight of the body. This movement is carried out with feet piled up on the floor, while the two hands stick to the floor, then the feet are directed at the top.

This movement can be called rich. The way to do it is to lie down and then two hands and feet lift the body. Piles of weight use hands and feet that stick to the floor. But remember, this attitude is done by turning your body so that your chest and stomach face up.

This movement is simply a movement by rolling forward. This movement must be carried out on the mat to make it safer. In addition, it must be done carefully so that the head, neck, and back are not injured.

This movement is opposite to forward roll, which is rolling backwards. The trick is to bend the body of the squat position, while the hands are stretched forward. After that attach your back to the floor slowly and then follow to the floor with the help of your feet. Push your body back slowly, while your hands are beside your shoulders to support the weight of your body.

In simple terms, the chartwheel can be interpreted as a meroda movement. This movement is done by turning the body to the side like a wheel. The trick is to stand first upright. After that, lift both hands up, then turn the body sideways until it rotates like a wheel. The gap will move from top to bottom, while the feet move from bottom to top, then return to their original position.

To get maximum results, it is recommended to stretch first. In addition, do exercise slowly and gradually so that there are no injuries. In addition to the floor gymnastics movement to train balance, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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