
YOGYAKARTA - In the basketball team there are several player positions with their respective duties or roles. One of the important positions in the basketball team and often the main scorer is shooting guard. The appearance of this player is often likened to a US card in winning matches. So what is shooting guard and what is the role on the field like?

Shooting guard is the position of a basketball player in charge of shooting or putting the ball in the ring. The player is in the number 2 position on the basketball team. Players who occupy positions have the expertise to shoot or shoot balls to produce points.

Usually the shooting guard is a good three-point shooter or shooter from the perimeter line. Players who fill this position generally have a higher posture than point guard players. With a tall body then a shooting guard can enter the ball remotely and replace point guard players when the team is attacking.

Shoot guard players have several roles or assignments in basketball matches. Here are a number of shooting guard tasks to help the team win the game:

Shooting Guard is occupied by players who have above-standard shot skills. Therefore, this player is required to have the ability to execute three-point shots well.

Long-range or three-point shot skills are usually decisive in crucial situations that can bring victory to the team. Some of the players known as the best three-point shooting guard are Klay Thompson, Kyle Korver, and JJ Reddick.

"3-and-D" is a term for players who have a responsibility in carrying out three-point shots and simultaneously carrying out defense. For example guarding opposing players around the perimeter and other defensive tasks.

Usually the 3-and-D task is carried out by the Shooting Guard. Players who have this ability play an important role for the success of the team in winning matches. Because not all Shooting Guard have strong defensive skills. Some of the best known basketball players in the 3-and-D roles are Danny Green, Klay Thompson, and Jrue Holiday.

In the history of NBA competitions, Shooting Guard has an important role as the main scorer in the team. Michael Jordan and Allen Iverson's era were proof of the greatness of shooting guards, especially those with shooting skills in various situations. The latest players highlighted were the best scorers, including James Harden, Victor Oladipo, and the Devin Booker.

In terms of defense, the Shooting Guard is tasked with guarding the opposing attackers, especially in the perimeter area and outside the three-point line. Shooting guard players with strong defensive abilities played the first barricade before the opposing striker managed to get past the team's defense.

The shooting guard in charge of this position is often referred to as "Lock Down Defender". Several shooting guards known as the best defender perimeter include Patrick Beverley and Klay Thompson.

A shooting guard must also be good at moving without a ball to find an empty gap as a point of fire. Usually the shooting guard receives the ball from the point guard from an unexpected position.

One of the important skills that must be mastered by the shooting guard is the accuracy of the shot so that it can control the ball well and be able to enter the opponent's ring. Shoot guard players who are known to be good at making free movements, including Klay Thompson and Joe Harris.

That's a review of what shooting guards are in the basketball team and their roles. Shoot guard players are required to have high accuracy and creativity in making shots.

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