Best Time Of Sports Kardio: Here's The Explanation
Illustration cardio. (Photo: Pexels)


YOGYAKARTA - Kardio. This exercise is synonymous with those who are in the fat loss program or reduce body weight. Understandably, because cardio is indeed tested efficiently for burning body fat. However, for those of you who are still in the program to increase muscle mass, it is also always recommended to carry out cardio.

It could be that not many people know the reality of cardio for someone who wants to increase muscle mass. So, many are worried that cardio will get rid of muscle mass. Meanwhile, that matter is not justified. Here is a reality about cardio that you need to pay attention to in order to optimize your training.

all health experts and fitness expert coaches also agree that the cardio in the morning with an empty stomach is very efficient. Because the body has not absorbed any energy, while we fast for 8 hours of sleep. Of course you ask,

"Then where does the energy come from?' Of course from fat the answer! Because fat is an energy reserve.

But if it takes a very long time, you can burn muscle mass, the right duration is only 20-30 minutes for an empty stomach cardio in the morning.

Cardio For Body Health

By carrying out the cardio, the calories that catch fire are indeed increasing. The activities listed by the cardio sport are jogging, swimming, walking lightning, aerobic gymnastics, running and cycling.

Doing cardio also has benefits for the health of the body. Kind of medication the condition of the lungs, train the heart muscle to be sturdy, and increase blood circulation, so that the organ gets a decent amount of oxygen. The many body movements that are carried out during cardio exercise can spur heart rate and train the heart.

So after knowing the best time for cardio exercise, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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