
YOGYAKARTA For beginners, Muay Thai's movements and sports moves take advantage of many body movements. Not only hands, almost all parts of the body are used in Muay Thai. Then, what are the basic techniques of Muay Thai that must be learned to attack?

The basic techniques in Muay Thai martial arts are categorized into several types based on movement. The following are techniques that must be mastered.

In Muay Thai, hitting technique is the basic thing that must be mastered. This technique is used to attack opponents. Hit techniques have at least four developments, namely Jab, Hook, Strike, and Uppercut. The development of this technique is as follows.

This technique is carried out by directing a straight forward shot. This blow targets the opponent's body on the front.

Linking or hook technique is done by sideways launching boxing. This blow targets the side of the body.

A straight blow is done by hitting the right hand straight forward, but begins with a left hand.

This technique is done by swinging punches from the bottom up. The target of this blow is usually the chin and head.

As the name suggests, this technique takes advantage of the tip of the elbow. This technique is used to attack opponents hard. Muay Thai elbow technique has at least 4 developments, which is as follows.

It is done by swinging elbows towards the top or downwards as the vertical line.

This technique swings elbows from the right side to the left or vice versa, targeting opponents on the shoulder to the head.

This inspection was carried out in a vertical movement, it's just that the power deployed was as fast as possible.

This knife is similar to an uppercut, just using an elbow. For some people, this blow cannot be done at any time because it has to adjust the opponent's position.

Muay Thai attack technique can use a kick. This movement has several developments as follows.

This technique aims to encourage the opponent's body so that there is no need for speed and strength. Just focus on balance so that the opponent falls.

This kick is done to target the opponent's body at the front-top, from the waist to the shoulder. However, you have to strengthen your foot so that it is not easy to drop.

This technique targets the opponent's head by stacking other legs on the floor so that the foundation must also be sturdy.

As the name suggests, this technique targets the body of the lower opponent, from the waist to the legs. Done as much as possible to make the opponent fall.

This technique is a little more difficult than other techniques because it takes advantage of the knee or knee to attack. The technique under discussion has some development as follows.

This attack technique targets the opponent's side body to be paralyzed quickly.

Serangan ini dilakukan dari arah bawah ke atas, saja menggunakan kneet. Pastikan loncatan kneet tepat sasaran.

It is done by turning the body with a center of movement on the knee. After that, smooth the attack using the knee towards the side of the body.

This technique is usually used to lock the opponent's movement and to make the opponent give up quickly. Done by dropping the opponent first then wrapped the opponent with the body.

That's information related to Muay Thai's basic techniques. Visit VOI.ID for other interesting information.

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