
YOGYAKARTA - There are still many people who think that if you want to get an ideal body, you have to do intense exercise and drain a lot of energy. But did you know that Yoga's sport can actually lose weight? Let's learn yoga to lose weight!

So far, it is better known that its efficacy will reduce stress, justify body posture, or cope with pain in certain parts of the body. However, concentration also has a part of cardio in practice. Not only that, a full understanding formed when you concentrate can avoid having a diet without a mind. This makes concentration useful for degrading weight. Concentration also promotes the discipline you need to produce healthy living as a permanent lifestyle.

For Olivia Young, the initiator of a training studio that mixes yoga and boxing, concentrates on using weight to associate each muscle with power, core integration, harmony and embedding, as a result, good for weight shrinkage.

Downward Dog

First of all, lie down on your stomach on the mat. Then, by slowly, take a body, then the buttocks towards the ceiling with the palms of your hand and the soles of your feet always hold the floor.

Convince your hips to rise and backward. It also means to tighten the core muscles when carrying out this action. Then, take a deep breath and exhale to warm your body.

Mobile Plank

Cover your bodies with a prone position on the mat, then slowly lift your bodies with your hands straightened to a high plank pose (as if you want to push up). Your hands are obliged to press firmly to the ground, your thighs are tightened, and your ankles are pushed back. Tighten your stomach and make sure your hips are parallel to the floor.

Then, by slowly lowering your hands until your elbows hold the mattress into a plank position, then hold it. This action is efficient to reduce fat in the stomach. Take your elbows so that they are always right under your shoulders. Partly strong, take a breath and return to a high plank. Do high and small plank in an alternating manner.

Side Angle

Pull your left back leg and your right leg is bent against your knee until it makes a 90 degree angle, a kind of Lunges position. Then, turn your left foot straight out as well as your body and head towards the left side of your mattress.

Take a breath, then exhale when you lower your body past the right thigh, and put the right palm in front of your right leg. Take your left hand above your head. Hold some breath, then exhale when you return to your Lunges position. Repeat the same activity again in the opposite section.

So after knowing yoga to lose weight, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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