
YOGYAKARTA Did you know that when you sit up the breath needs to be well regulated? Regulate the breath when sitting up or in other sports helps maximize energy, regulate heart performance, and reduce the risk of muscle cramps. Then, how to control the breath when sit up?

Exercise is not only related to muscles, but with breathing. When exercising, the performance of the heart will be even heavier by increasing blood supply to muscles. This condition naturally occurs. In addition, during exercise, blood must also be well oxygenated because it will have an impact on muscle performance so that breathing techniques also affect sports movements including sit ups.

When sit up, try not to hold your breath too often. Although some people think that holding your breath when sit up is natural, it becomes a bad habit.

While the way to breathe when sitting up is to exhale when the muscles work hard, while when the muscles relax a little, try to take a breath. You can also exhale when taking or pulling your body up and taking a breath when dropping your body on the floor.

You can also take a breath setting when you exercise by breathing through your mouth. This is done so you don't get tired easily when you exercise hard. Try to take a breath through your mouth and then throw it away slowly. Also make sure your stomach expands when taking a breath so that the rhythm is regular and doesn't breathe in a hurry.

Breathing settings are also adjusted to movements during exercise. Try to adjust the rhythm of the exercise you are doing. Avoid breathing in a hurry or breathless manner. Try not to exercise in a place with high levels of air pollution so that your lung health is maintained. You can exercise in green open spaces or in a corner of a house that has trees.

That's how to breath when sitting up. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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