
YOGYAKARTA - Having a muscular and muscular arm is a dream for many people. By having a strong muscle and arms, it can make it easier for you to do your daily activities. But do you know how to enlarge the biceps and triceps muscles?

Close-Grip Chin-Up

This movement is tried by pose hanging by holding horizontal iron. The distance of the right hand and left is approximately 15 centimeters. Jalani the movement depends with straight hands. Head straight to the front thought, then reach for the hand until carrying the chin on top of the iron. Then straighten it out again like an initial pose.

Total Inverted Row

This movement still wears iron across the horizontal to depend. The difference is from the previous movement on this movement using a towel as a handle. Hang 2 towels on the handle, then the right hand and left hold the towel hanging and straight hands. After that, ready to hang then grab the towel by side until your hands bend. After bending your hands back to the initial position, straight by hanging on the towel.

Dubbell bisep curl

Hold a dumbbell on each hand. Lay your hands to the ground while holding a dumbbell. Next fold by lifting the dumbbell up. The position of the upper hand does not shift, only the basic movement of the movement upwards until the dumbbell held is located comparable to the shoulder. Next, take it down again for a long time back to the initial position.

Hammer Curls with Dubbell

Standing with legs as wide as the shoulders, the position of the body standing upright. Hold the dumbbell with your palms leading to your thigh. Position of your hands straight down. The dumbbell movement towards the top is parallel to your shoulders. Don't move forward, always next to your body. Just bent, without being moved is located. Actions of your right and left hands can be tried together or alternately.

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