
YOGYAKARTA Kempo and karate are two equally popular martial arts. Both are widely used as provisions for self-defense and body processing. But not everyone knows what the difference between kempo and karate is.

This article will discuss the notions up to the difference between kempo and karate to add to the realm of general knowledge.

Currently, kempo and karate fans are mushrooming a lot in the world, including Indonesia. For those of you who are considering both, see the following differences.

Kempo is the oldest martial art to be the parent of other martial arts, namely Ju Jitsu, Aikido and Judo. In fact, kempo is also one of the mothers of karate martial arts which has grown a lot in Japan.

Meanwhile, karate is martial arts that puts forward its bare hands or without weapons. Karate itself stems from two words, namely kara (empty) and te (hands). In karate, a person not only learns physical strength but learns other things related to mentality, spirituality, to personality.

Looking at its history, the origin of kempo actually came from India, which was introduced by a Buddhist Pastor from China named Dharma Thaisi who continued to perform his odyssey. Kempo then spread across two countries, namely China and Japan by combining each culture in the country.

Meanwhile, Karate actually comes from Japan. Language, karate means bare hands. This martial arts sport originally came from Okinawa, Japan, which was inspired by boxing martial arts from China. Karate was later popularized by a Japanese named Gichin Fukanosi in 1916.

It should be noted that kempo is not a sport, while karate is included in the sport that is even competed.

The reason why kempo does not enter sports is the deadly technique used by the kempo masters and should not be used carelessly. Kempo is also a very closed martial arts so that it is not shown in general.

In addition, the World Government Organization (World Shorinji Kempo Organization) also firmly does not want kempo to lose his identity so that he prefers not to include kempo from any sport. This is related to efforts to limit kempo in sports, namely eliminating deadly moves.

Meanwhile, karate is self-defense which includes sports. Many karate championships are competed and shown in general, including in Indonesia.

Quoted from several sources, kempo has firm characteristics. In addition, it has a varied technique depending on the preferences possessed by the practitioner or Kempo instructor. However, generally kempo is more inclined to the self-defense system. Usually kempo doesn't teach to do attacks first.

Meanwhile, karate has the characteristics of a blitz. The attack was carried out suddenly at a time that was not too high.

In kempo, all body parts are used. The attacks were carried out in the form of hand hits, kicks, attacks using elbows and knees, throwing, and locking. Meanwhile, karate emphasizes kick and punch techniques.

That's information regarding what the difference between kempo and karate is, visit VOI.ID for other news.

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