
YOGYAKARTA Boxing is one of the most popular types of combat sports in the world. Well, in this article, boxing techniques will be discussed that boxers often use when fighting in the ring.

Originally, there were four basic techniques of boxing, including jab, straight, hook, and uppercut. However, as it developed, the four basic types of hits developed because there was an improvement in the quality of boxers.

Summarized from various sources, here are 11 boxing techniques that you need to know:

The jab is a straight-forward shot directed at the opponent's body or face. This type of blow serves to disrupt the opponent's concentration or be an opening blow when launching an attack.

A straight blow is a hard and straight blow directed at the opponent's face. This blow can be directed with distance along the arm in any direction either by the right hand or left hand.

Quoted from the lib unnes page, if the straight blow is launched with the right hand then move the weight to the left leg, the waist turns the shoulder forward with a centerline and straightens the right arm of the target to the extent of the arm. The right leg supports hip movement but does not exceed the position of the left leg but is still in its original position by simply lifting the heel.

A hook is a curling blow that can be done in all directions. Hits with hooks can be done using both hands, namely left and right. This technique is most often considered a deadly blow so it is very dangerous for opponents.

Uppercut is a blow from the bottom which then cuts the upper hand. This blow has a high effectiveness when applied to opponents who have the habit of lowering their head so that it can become a powerful weapon in dropping.

The technique of jab and grab hitting is a mixed blow between carrying out attacks and also surviving at the same time. This technique can be the opponent's weak point when he is taking a hit.

This technique can be an alternative when boxers have difficulty finding the opponent's weak point. A straight blow is the best way to do it to the opponent as a way to trick him.

The Haymaker is a hitting technique used by boxers when the opponent has lost a lot of power. When the opponent has become weak, lure him to give a blow, and when the opponent's hand is ready to hit, cry quickly and then hit him in the face quickly and appropriately.

Bolo punch or a long shot is included in a blow that can trick the opponent. When doing so, take a little effort and when the opponent is caught by the first blow, apply maximum force on the hand to land it at the opponent's face quickly and precisely.

Long hook is a long-range shot. Long hook is a combined blow between hook and straight.

This is a joint blow technique between uppercut and straight. The main target of this blow is the jaw and stomach of the opponent.

Rabbit punch is a blow to the back of the head or to the base of the skull. In boxing, bbbit punch is a prohibited blow because it can threaten the opponent's life. Boxers with this technique will blow from top to bottom when the opponent is in a downward position.

That's information about 11 boxing techniques. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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