
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Olympic Committee (NOC) Raja Sapta Oktohari spoke about the wave of rejection against the Israeli team which has the potential to cancel Indonesia from hosting the 2023 U-20 World Cup.

In a press conference at the NOC Office, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 29, 2023, Okto said, if Indonesia cancels hosting the age group, the consequences can be more serious.

In addition to being able to be sanctioned by FIFA, Indonesia also has the potential to lose confidence in hosting other sporting events under the auspices of NOC.

"Don't let us be dwarfed through sports. Moreover, we are ostracized from world associations. We must be careful in making policies because if we make the wrong steps, we will experience extraordinary setbacks," he said.

The rejection of the Israeli national team has made FIFA cancel the draw for the group that was supposed to take place in Bali on March 31. The cancellation of the draw made Indonesia's status as the host threatened.

Speculation states that currently FIFA has shifted the host's quota to other countries, including Peru, which initially participated in the bidding. Several other countries are also interested in replacing Indonesia.

Okto said, if Indonesia doesn't get trust anymore, it will automatically destroy many Indonesian children's dreams.

"I submit a request to policy makers so that they can review the much bigger interests. Indonesia is a big country," he said.

"More than 100 million Indonesians train every day for the highest ideals of flying flags at Olympic events or world championships. So, don't destroy those ideals. Don't let us be part of what eliminates the great ideals of this nation," he added.

Indonesia's fate to maintain the host's share is currently still waiting for the diplomatic results of PSSI General Chair Erick Thohir with FIFA.

The man who also serves as Minister of State-Owned Enterprises is currently still at FIFA headquarters in Doha, Qatar. He flew there in the early hours of Wednesday to lobby at noon local time.

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