
JAKARTA - Welcoming Eid al-Fitr 1444 H, PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) opens an opportunity for loyal consumers to return to their beloved hometowns through the 2023 Homecoming and Balik Together Honda (MBBH) program.

"As AHM and Main Dealer Honda's appreciation for loyal consumers of Honda motorcycle users, this year we opened registration for prospective travelers long before its implementation time. This is to provide comfort and certainty for people who want to stay in touch with their beloved families to celebrate Eid al-Fitr in their hometowns," said Antok Yuniarso, General Manager of Honda Customer Care Center (HC3) AHM in his statement.

MBBH registration has been open since March 15, 2023 and ends April 15, 2023 through an application or can come directly to a Honda dealer appointed in the DKI Jakarta area.

MBBH 2023 in collaboration with the Honda motorcycle dealer's main network in the Jakarta Tangerang area, namely Wahana Gunung Sahari, Astra Motor Jakarta, and the West-State Adicipta Motora area.

Registration for MBBH 2023 is open offline and online. Online, consumers can access the WANDA, Motorku-X, and Daya Auto applications via smartphones. In addition, consumers who are in Jakarta can also register directly at Honda dealers, namely Wahana Gunung Sahari Gunung Sahari, Astra Motor Jakarta - Cawang, as well as the Nusantara Solar Sakti - Slipi and Bintang Jaya Klender network.

As for travelers who want to take part in the MBBH program, they can register themselves by attaching an Indonesian Identity Card (KTP), a driving license (SIM) C and a Vehicle Registration Certificate (STNK) for Honda motorcycles during registration.

For the backflow program, travelers also include a Jabodetabek ID card. To maintain safety when doing homecoming, MBBH participants are expected to be in good health on the way, with a maximum of 5 kg of luggage, carrying SNI helmets for use when driving in their hometowns and travelers must go down in a predetermined place.

Participants are also required to have a second vaccine or booster, scan at ONESEHAT, check body temperature and wear masks. Each MBBH program registrant has the right to get two bus seats along with the transportation of 1 passenger motorbike, insurance during travel, health services, goodie bags containing jackets, consumption during travel and gifts from sponsors. AHM also held a lottery for travelers with prizes of two motorcycles, gadgets and other attractive gifts. All these interesting facilities can be enjoyed while participating in the MBBH 2023 program with a registration fee of IDR 150,000.

To provide comfort for travelers when traveling long distances, AHM facilitated MBBH participants to go home by bus and motorbikes to be transported by truck.

This year, more than 30 bus fleets are specially prepared to deliver 1,200 travelers on the Jakarta route Yogyakarta and Jakarta Semarang which will depart from PT. Astra Honda Motor, Sunter on 19 April 2023. AHM also provides 15 trucks that are ready to safely transport 600 favorite Honda motorcycles to the destination city which will depart on 17 April 2023 from the Bhanda Ghara Reksa parking lot (BGR), Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta.

As for the backflow, AHM facilitated 18 buses for 600 travelers who will return to Jakarta and 8 trucks to transport 300 motorbikes on April 25, 2023.

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