
JAKARTA - Tens of thousands of joint personnel, TNI-Polri, and related parties held a 2019 Candle Jaya Operation readiness roll. The activity, which is an effort to safeguard the Christmas and New Year celebrations, will focus on dozens of potential vulnerabilities.

The Lilin Jaya operation will last for the next 10 days, to be precise, Monday, 23 December 2019 to Wednesday, 1 January 2020.

Kapolda Metro Jaya Inspector General Gatot Eddy said the potential for vulnerability during the Christmas and New Year celebrations, including acts of terrorism to sweeping carried out by community organizations (mass organizations). In addition, the emergence of potential vulnerabilities is based on the results of analysis from intelligence and last year's security data.

"Based on intelligence predictions, there are 12 potential vulnerabilities that we have to anticipate, namely acts of terrorism, conventional crimes, traffic jams, transportation accidents, sweeping mass organizations, acts of rejecting worship, increasing food prices, social conflicts and brawls, natural disasters, convoys and illegal racing. , fires caused by firecrackers, and a party with drugs or alcohol, "said Gatot in Jakarta, Thursday, December 19.

For that, around ten thousand joint personnel will be stationed at several points that have been mapped. It is recorded that 95 security points or posts are scattered in the jurisdiction of Polda Metro Jaya. Security locations are in places of worship, tourist attractions, shopping centers, and places that are considered to be crowded with community activities such as terminals and airports.

Apple Candle Operation readiness 2019 (Rizki Adytia Pramana / VOI)

In addition, of the dozens of potential vulnerabilities that exist, sweeping or sweeping conducted by mass organizations will be given special attention. In fact, it was said that he would not hesitate to take firm action against anyone involved.

"If anyone sweeps it, we will take firm action," said Gatot.

At the same opportunity, Pangdam Jaya Maj. Gen. TNI Eko Margiyono added that his party was always ready to assist the police in implementing security. In addition, he emphasized that he would take action against anyone involved to make a scene during the Christmas and New Year celebrations

"In essence, all of us from the TNI will fully assist to make Jakarta safe. This Jakarta will remain stable, and the people who celebrate Christmas and the New Year can be safe and peaceful," said Eko.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus also commented on the sweeping of mass organizations. According to him, whoever is caught involved will be dealt with firmly. In fact, if there is a violation of the law, then criminal charges will be given.

"Firm action is in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations, we do it firmly and we secure it, if we fight against the crime, we will act in accordance with the applicable law," said Yusri.

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