
JAKARTA - The Association of Indonesian Clothing and Dress Manufacturers (APPGINDO) complained about business losses during the COVID-19 pandemic which reached IDR300 billion per month. This is because currently a number of provinces such as DKI have not allowed receptions during the PSBB transition.

The vendor who takes care of the needs of this wedding ceremony asked the government to allow a reception. This is because the losses it experiences will roll over to other business sectors.

"The total circulation of money in the wedding industry that has stopped has reached 5 trillion. Previously, one vendor could carry out weddings 2 to 3 times a week. But now it has shutdown," said APPGINDO Chairman Andie Oyong when confirmed, Thursday, June 25.

He said, in Jakarta alone there are about 500 companies with thousands of employees in them who are not working. They also have no income anymore. "Nobody works so everyone is affected by losses," he added.

So, APPGINDO offers the concept of marriage by carrying out the COVID-19 protocol. With this, they hope the government can again allow wedding receptions.

First, APPGINDO prepared a protocol for the wedding organizer (WO) crew. All crew working must be in good health, wear closed clothing, always wear masks and maintain physical distance. For the crew on duty during the event, they have handy talkies (HT) which are not used in turns.

Then, with the make-up and hairdresser, all the make-up that is ready to use has been cleaned with alcohol or a disinfectant. Especially for the use of lipstick, the ends will be cut after each use.

At the time of the marriage contract, the prince and bride are wearing gloves. Each guest and companion chair is given a distance of 1 meter.

At the reception, all guests who come are required to wear masks and have the temperature checked. If the temperature is above 37.5 degrees Celsius, it will be prohibited from entering. The incoming queue is spaced. Then, APPGINDO prepared a virtual envelope delivery option using online bank transfers.

Then, in the ballroom area, each chair is also given a distance of 1 meter. Crews will be deployed in every corner to monitor the COVID-19 protocol for guests.

In the catering section, the vendor provides a provision that guests are not allowed to take their own food. All tables use a cover glass on the catering table to avoid contact or transmission of droplets from guests. All drinks must also use a closed plastic bottle. Also, guests are offered to receive take-away food.

Then, during the documentation session, invited guests who will take pictures with the bride and groom must maintain a safe distance. Photo crews are also not allowed to accept photo requests using guests' cellphones.

"We from the association are ready. Later there is a procedure on how a reception in a building and hotel will be safe (from COVID-19)," said Andie.

Andie hopes that the number of transmission of new COVID-19 cases can further decrease. That way, they will have the opportunity to open their business again.

"If the reception industry has the opportunity to open it, friends will run the wheels of the economy. Not only the catering and decoration industry, but also to flower farmers and livestock," he concluded.

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