
JAKARTA - The Embassy of the United States (US) in Seoul, South Korea (South Korea), removed a large banner for the 'Black Lives Matter' movement. The removal of the banner was requested by the leadership of the US State Department. Apart from the Black Lives Matter banner, there was an LGBTQ rainbow flag that was also removed.

Reporting from CNN, Tuesday, June 16, the senior leadership of the Department of State asked the Embassy to remove the words 'Black Lives Matter' previously posted by the US Ambassador to South Korea Harry Harris. Before putting up the banner, Harris quoted President John F.Kennedy in June 1963.

"I believe in what President JFK said on June 10, 1963 at American University, 'If we can't end our differences now, at least we can help make the world safe for difference.' The US is a free & diverse country ... From that diversity we get our strength, "Harris said on his Twitter account.

However, in the end the banner had to be removed. The removal of the banner is the reason that Black Lives Matter is a non-profit organization. The US government does not encourage contributions to groups or promote specific organizations, a source said. It is not clear why the LGBTQ rainbow flag, which has been installed since late May, should also be removed.

"He (Harris) wanted to highlight America's enduring values of racial equality, free speech and the right to protest peacefully. However, the Ambassador's intention was not to support or encourage donations to any particular organization. To avoid the misperception that money is money. of the American taxes spent on benefiting such organizations, he directed for the banners to be removed, "said a statement from the US Embassy in Seoul.

Challenge for Trump

The installation of banners is known as a form of challenge to US President Donald Trump and his administration. The Trump administration is currently harshly criticized for their stand on racism and LGBTQ issues.

The LGBTQ flag at the US Embassy to South Korea was removed hours before the Supreme Court ruled a law prohibiting job discrimination on the basis of sex covering gay and transgender workers. Last Friday, the US government removed protections that prohibit discrimination in health care for the LGBTQ community.

The US ambassador to South Korea put up the Black Lives Matter banner at a time when the government came under fire for its response to national protests following George Floyd's death. Trump is believed to have added to anger about racial injustice by his decision to oppose conversations to rename military bases named after generals involved in slavery.

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