
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Expert Team for the Task Force for Handling COVID-19, Wiku Adisasmito, believes that the second wave of the spread of the corona virus will not occur in Indonesia. However, that belief must be followed by strict discipline applied by society to prevent the spread of this virus.

"The second wave (of the spread of COVID-19) should not have happened, but we still have to be prepared for it," Wiku said in a press conference broadcast on the YouTube account of the Presidential Secretariat, Thursday, May 14.

However, the spread of wave two may occur, if the community does not strictly follow the health protocol. Such as maintaining distance, using a mask, and washing your hands diligently and not traveling as long as it is not urgent.

"The second wave is likely to occur in areas where people do not apply health protocols," he said.

So that to prevent the occurrence of this second wave, the government also continues to monitor the development of the spread of the virus that occurs in the regions. This is because the amount of distribution in the regions certainly has an impact on the national scale.

In addition, the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 also ensures the health service system at the national level to prevent the spread of this virus. However, the end of this pandemic depends on the participation of the community in implementing health protocols.

"We have tried our best but we cannot do this alone. We need all Indonesians to work together," he said.

Jokowi Asks People to Remain Discipline Amid the Pandemic

President Joko Widodo also conveyed a request for citizens to remain disciplined to survive the COVID-19 pandemic. In the 'National Prayer and Humanity' event, Jokowi asked the public to be disciplined in obeying all government recommendations.

"To be safe, we must be disciplined. Be disciplined in maintaining health, increase immunity, discipline in washing hands, using soap, maintaining a safe distance, discipline in wearing masks, discipline not going home, discipline in working at home, discipline in school, at home, and discipline. worship at home, "said Jokowi in the event broadcast online.

He stated that Indonesia is currently facing difficult and trying times. However, Jokowi asked the public not to be pessimistic and able to face this pandemic.

The former Governor of DKI Jakarta also reminded the public not to be overly afraid and to continue to help ease the burden on those affected by this pandemic.

"All Indonesian people get rid of anxiety, stay away from excessive fear, live optimism, generate empathy, grow social solidarity," he said.

"This is the time for us to look around, help relatives, neighbors, friends, work together to lighten the burdens of our fellow countrymen. God willing, God Almighty will open the way. The Indonesian people will rise again," President Jokowi added.

Beware of wave two until there is a COVID-19 vaccine

Previously, a study said, countries that want to end the lockdown period and allow people to return to their activities and work must closely monitor possible new cases of COVID-19. This must be done until they find the COVID-19 vaccine.

Launching The Guardian, Thursday, April 9, China's aggressive control over the daily activities of its people has succeeded in ending the first wave of COVID-19, said the Hong Kong-based researchers. But China must be wary of a second wave which is very real and no less dangerous.

"While these control measures appear to have reduced the number of transmission to very low levels, without immunity to COVID-19, these cases could easily re-emerge as business centers, factory operations and schools gradually reopen and increase the number of people. social interaction. Especially given the increased risk of imported cases from abroad as COVID-19 continues to spread globally, ”said Prof. Joseph T Wu of the University of Hong Kong, who co-led the study.

But, the researchers warn, if normal life is imposed too quickly and the lifting of controls is too broad, the average number of people who transmit COVID-19 will increase again. The government needs to keep a close watch on what happens in the future.

"Although control policies such as physical distancing and behavior change are likely to be maintained for some time. Proactively balancing between resuming economic activity and keeping reproductive rates below one is likely the best strategy until an effective vaccine is widely available," Wu said.

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