
JAKARTA - The Panel of Judges at the State Administrative High Court (PTUN) ordered the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan to extend the G Island reclamation permit. This order was the result of the verdict of case number 4 / P / FP / 2020 / PTUN.JKT.

Judging from the official PTUN website, this lawsuit was filed by the developer of the Jakarta Bay reclamation G Island, namely PT Muara Wisesa Samudra, filed on March 16, 2020. The respondent in this case is Anies as the Governor of DKI Jakarta.

The lawsuit at the court proceeded until the Chief Justice of PTUN Muhammad Ilham stated that the plaintiff's company won the case.

"It requires the respondent (Governor of DKI Jakarta Province, red) to issue a decision to extend the Pantai Bersama reclamation permit according to the applicant's request dated November 27, 2019," said the result of the decision quoted by VOI on Wednesday, May 13.

In addition, Anies must pay a court fee of IDR 341 thousand. This payment must be made by Anies as the defeated party in the lawsuit as the President Director of PT Muara Wisesa Samudra H Noer Indradjaja.

In fact, PT Muara Wisesa Samudra had received permission to construct G Island reclamation when Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) was still the Governor of DKI. The permit is stipulated in the Decree of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 2238 of 2014.

Time passed, the leadership in DKI changed. Anies, who has served as governor, in 2018 revoked the permits of 13 reclaimed islands. However, the dredging of the reclamation of four islands, one of which is G Island, has already been carried out.

Therefore, Anies issued building construction permits (IMB) to Islands C, D, and G. However, Anies changed the concept of using the location into a public space named Pantai Kita (C Island), Pantai Maju (D Island), and Pantai Bersama (Pulau Bersama) G).

However, this IMB cannot be used by the developer as a legal basis for continuing the reclamation. Given that 40 percent of the reclamation development for Island G is still underway, the developer intends to continue dredging the remaining 60 percent for commercial activities.

The period of the G Island reclamation permit ended and a lawsuit was filed with the PTUN so that the permit could be extended. After going through several stages of the trial, PT Muara Wisesa Samudra's request was finally granted. Anies must extend the Governor's Decree which regulates the reclamation implementation permit for the company.

Responding to this, the Head of the DKI Legal Bureau, Yayan Yuhanah, said that this matter would be discussed first with Governor Anies Baswedan. However, he did not deny that he would take another route related to the PTUN decision.

"They get the permit and the island is already there, just extend it. They then demand (from the final decision)," said Yayan when contacted.

He said, another way to be taken was to file a review (PK) of the decision. This step was taken because the PTUN decision was final.

"We are going to PK. (The verdict) is no longer appeal and cassation, directly to the PK. I will consult with the Governor for PK or not," concluded Yayan.

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