
The Riau Police's Narcotics Investigation Directorate arrested members of the North Musi Rawas Resort Police (Muratra), South Sumatra, First Brigadier AW who were suspected of being involved in the circulation of 10 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 5 thousand pills of ecstasy.

Head of Public Relations of the Riau Police, Kombes Anom Karbianto, said that Brigadier AW was also arrested when his team dismantled a drug network called the Sultan of Malaysia. However, until now Brigadier AW is still a witness and has not been named a suspect.

"A member was asked for help by one of the suspects with the initials BFI to take the goods, but AW did not know that it was drugs," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, September 19.

Based on BFI's statement, he and Brigadier AW are cousins. Brigadier AW himself is suspected of having also stumbled upon a desertion case.

Regarding this problem, the Riau Police coordinated with the South Sumatra Police regarding the case related to the Bripka AW. The plan will be submitted to the South Sumatra Police regarding the issue of the loss.

"AW is still being secured at the Riau Police Narcotics Directorate and will be handed over to the South Sumatra Regional Police because there are desertion problems or do not enter the service exceeding the provisions," he continued.

Brigadier AW was arrested when the Riau Police Narcotics Directorate controlled the delivery of 30 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 11,000 pills of ecstasy. The evidence was secured from two couriers with the initials M and R on Jalan Lintas Timur, Indragiri Hulu Regency.

"After we arrested the two couriers, we controlled the delivery. So, 30 kg of crystal methamphetamine and ecstasy were divided into shipments," said the Director of the Narcotics Director of the Riau Police, Kombes Pol Manang Soebeti.

A total of 10 kilograms and 5 thousand ecstasy pills were sent to Palembang and to Lubuk Linggau. Meanwhile, the remaining 10 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and a thousand ecstasy pills were sent to Mesuji Regency.

"The control delivery that we managed to do was from the order of the suspect with the initials BFI who ordered 10 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 5 thousand pills of ecstasy in Lubuk Linggau," explained Kombes Manang.

Brigadier AW's involvement during his arrest was the driver of suspect BFI. However, currently Brigadier AW is still a witness.

"So this AW admitted that he was only asked to take BFI, who was his cousin. BFI admitted that the vehicle was damaged so he asked to be delivered by AW," explained Manang.

The Riau Police's Narcotics Directorate has until now stated that they are still investigating the involvement of Brigadier AW. However, the results of AW's urine test were positive for using drugs.

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