
JAKARTA - The Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan has returned the operational time of public transportation to normal. He realized that there was something wrong with the operational restrictions of TransJakarta, MRT, and LRT which had been imposed today.

Anies said, the operation time of this mass transportation was back to normal, starting at 05.00 WIB to 24.00 WIB. Then, AMARI night transportation from 23.00 to 05.00 WIB is back operating with the same waiting time.

"In accordance with the direction of the President, regarding the implementation of mass public transportation for the community, we are again holding high frequency," said Anies at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Monday, March 16.

Even so, Anies still asked for public transportation facilities, both TransJakarta buses, MRT and LRT cars to limit the number of passenger capacities. At the MRT, each series of carriages is filled with a maximum of 360 passengers, out of a capacity of 1,200 passengers.

Meanwhile, LRT is limited to 80 passengers, from a maximum capacity of 270 passengers per series of carriages. Then, TransJakarta is limited to a total of 60 passengers in articulated buses, from a maximum capacity of 150, and 30 passengers on a single bus of a capacity of 80 passengers.

"The limitation on the number of passengers per car and per bus is very important to ensure that the physical distance between one passenger and another passenger, both when going to public transportation and while in public transportation, can be maintained," explained Anies.

Regarding the problem of accumulating passengers at bus stops and stations, later officers will direct them to queue outside the bus stop. Because, if you are indoors, it is considered prone to the spread of the corona virus.

"Queues outside bus stops and stations in open spaces, from the discussion of experts, reduce the level of transmission risk than queues or congestion in closed spaces," said Anies.

For information, DKI Pemprov has reduced the number of fleets and operating time for three public transportation: MRT, LRT, and TransJakarta. The goal is to reduce the potential for interaction between citizens, so that the spread of COVID-19 can be reduced.

Previously, President Jokowi assessed that local governments must continue to provide public transportation amid the spread of the corona virus (covid-19). However, such provision must still ensure the safety and cleanliness of the mode of transportation.

"Public transportation must be provided by the central and regional governments, with a note of increasing the separation of transportation modes, including trains, MRT, LRT, TransJakarta buses. The important thing is to reduce the queues for the crowd of funds to reduce the density of people in these modes of transportation," Jokowi said at the Palace.

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