
Lampung Police said, RDS (20), a student of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), became a jockey for two participants of the 2023 Prosecutor's Civil Servant Candidate (CPNS) test. "The RDS who was secured when he was a CPNS test jockey is suspected of receiving orders from two participants," said Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Umi Fadilah Astutik, at the Lampung Police Headquarters, Antara, Monday, November 20. Based on the results of the examination, there were two names of participants who used RDS services. "RDS is a CPNS test jockey for two participants, but different days. Everything is for the 2023 Prosecutor's CPNS CAT or CAT test," said Umi. Umi added that the identities of the two RDS service users have been identified. "Two test participants who used RDS services, namely N, a resident of Central Lampung Regency and D, a resident of Palembang," he said. From the deepening of the investigation carried out by the police, it was known that RDS disguised himself as a participant in N in the implementation of the test on Friday (10/11). "That day actually RDS did not pass during identity verification with data on the server. But he managed to escape. RDS was only caught after coming back to the same location to become a jockey for participants D on Monday (13/11)," he said. Until now, investigators from the Lampung Police Ditreskrimsus are still investigating to dismantle the CPNS jockey network. "We are still pursuing other suspected perpetrators who are this network," he said.
It is known that the Lampung High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) arrested a woman who is suspected of being a jockey in the implementation of the 2023 Prosecutor's Candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) selection test on Monday (13/11).

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