JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan does not want to issue a crowd permit for an event that will be held in Jakarta in the future. However, if they already have the permit, Anies asks the organizers to review their activities.
This was done by Anies as an effort to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The reason is, yesterday there were two Indonesian citizens who tested positive for the corona virus. They were treated at the Sulianti Saroso Infectious Diseases Hospital (RSPI).
"The provincial government will not issue new licenses for the activities of large groups of people. And those who have already issued their permits will be reviewed again," Anies said at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Monday, March 2.
In addition, Anies asked the public to avoid the places where the corona virus started to spread. One of the locations disclosed is Paloma Bistro, Menteng, Central Jakarta.
This location was alluded to by Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto yesterday. Terawan said, the Indonesian patient contracted the corona virus from a Japanese citizen at the dance club.

"So, we also urge the public to, one, do not travel to locations that have been declared infected. Avoid those places," said Anies.
Not only that. Anies also asked people whose health was declining and experiencing symptoms of the same disease as the COVID-19 virus not to come to the location of health facilities.
Anies said, it would be better if they called the DKI alert number 112 or 119. From that telephone connection, residents could explain the symptoms of their illness, and then decide for treatment.
"Do not go directly to health facilities. Why? If you come yourself, you will find positive (corona), on the way the potential for transmission will depart. So, wherever you live, where you are, we will pick you up," said Anies.
In this regard, there are two sides to public policy observer Trubus Rahadiansyah. According to him, the positive side of the permit ban is to reduce the potential for more widespread transmission.
Corona transmission can occur through bodily fluids, when someone touches, sneezes, coughs, or touches the same transmission medium.
However, Trubus also saw panic in Anies. Given, even though the two patients who were confirmed positive for corona live in Depok, the location of the infection is in Jakarta.
As a result, people will increasingly think that the corona virus is a malignant disease. In fact, this disease is not as deadly as SARS and bird flu.
"There is an impact loss. There is increasing public concern. The domino effect, once announced, is a panic buying effect. Almost all malls are full of people shopping for necessities in large quantities," said Trubus.
In addition, the discontinuation of the permit to organize crowds is certainly detrimental to business actors who will hold events in the near future. Music concerts, for example.
"They have to re-evaluate their event. After planning the event in a public space, then suddenly they are not allowed to ask permission, Automas are at a disadvantage," he said.
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