
YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta Special Region High Prosecutor's Office handed over a suspect in a fictitious investment case at the BRI Yogyakarta Adisucipto branch office which resulted in a state loss of Rp5.67 billion to the public prosecutor of the Yogyakarta District Attorney.

The delegation of a suspect in a criminal act of corruption with a fictitious investment program with the initials RL and evidence took place at the Yogyakarta Class IIB Women's Prison in Wonosari Gunung Kidul, DIY.

"The suspect will be tried for the next two weeks," said Head of Legal Information for the DIY Prosecutor's Office, Herwatan, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 15.

The submission of the suspect RL and evidence in the form of a flash disk and documents, he said, was carried out after the RL suspect's case file was declared complete with the issuance of a Complete Investigation Result Notification Letter (P-21) on October 23, 2023.

After being received by the public prosecutor of the Yogyakarta Kejari, according to Herwatan, the former BRI employee was immediately detained at the Yogyakarta Class IIB Women's Prison in Wonosari Gunung Kidul for 20 days starting from November 15, 2023 to December 4, 2023.

Previously, the Yogyakarta Attorney General's Office had detained a former BRI employee with the initials RL, a suspect in a suspected corruption case in a fictitious investment case since July 25, 2023.

The suspect, who was previously a cashier ("teller") BRI Adisucipto Branch, Yogyakarta, is suspected of offering a fictitious investment in the form of a future savings program to customers with high interest rates, resulting in state financial losses of Rp5.67 billion.

The disclosure of the case was based on the results of an internal BRI audit that found any misappropriation or "fraud" during the period 2016 to 2022 and then reported it to the DIY Prosecutor's Office.

A total of 13 customers are interested in opening savings accounts offered by RL because they are tempted by high interest rates reaching 1.5 percent per month with deposits varying by approximately 45 accounts.

For the dozens of savings accounts, it turns out that the suspect RL has issued an ATM debit card which is then managed and controlled and transferred to his personal account.

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