
JAKARTA The legitimization of Gibran Rakabuming Raka's candidacy as vice president was questioned after the decision of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) was issued. This is considered to have the potential to trigger other violations during the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

According to the Executive Director of the Center for Indonesia Strategic Action (CISA), Herry Mendrofa, candidate pair Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka has the potential to open further violations. Because, everything started with the nomination process which was colored by pros and ethical violations.

"I think this candidate pair is actually a lot of minus. From an ethical, maneuverable point of view, of course, what can be categorized as an election violation," said Herry in his statement, Sunday, November 12.

He again mentioned the issue of legitimacy in the spotlight of the candidate pair after the Constitutional Court's decision. Herry emphasized that the authority of a leader is based on legitimacy. Therefore, when the legitimacy is questioned, it is feared that the candidate for leader will commit another violation.

"Yes, it is possible that there will be many unconstitutional maneuvers. Violations of ethics, constitution, that's all," he added.

Herry also revealed the potential use of state authorities to cover up mistakes and lead to further violations. This will strengthen the allegation that state instruments cannot be neutral in elections.

"Because from Gibran's candidacy, there has been an ethical violation by the Constitutional Court. I am worried that if for example there will be an effort to move other state instruments. And I hope that doesn't happen," concluded Herry Mendrofa.

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