
JAKARTA - Yastroki Chairman Major General TNI (Ret.) Dr. dr. Ratmono's Task, Sp.S MARS., MH, handed over wheelchair compensation to those in need of taking place in the Weltevreden area, Kimia Farma Pharmacy Headquarters complex, Jl. Kesenian Building, Central Jakarta, Tuesday 7 November.

Distribution part of the second Jambore Stroke series commemorates World Stroke Day organized by the Indonesian Stroke Foundation (Yastraki) on Sunday, October 29, which also took place in the Weltevreden tourist area, Banteng Field.

Dr. dr. Ratmono's job, together with the team, served the handover. Present is the Indonesian Ambassador to Panama, Sukmo Harsono accompanies his wife, Mrs. dr. Linda as an orphanage.

People with special needs due to stroke attacks or who represent coming from Jabodetabek. Some of the wheelchairs were brought by the person concerned using a motorcycle.

"I am grateful to be able to get this seat," said Aseng, a resident of Kalideres, West Jakarta, riding a motorcycle accompanied by his colleague.

Grandma Ima from Depok came alone to take advantage of the services of KRL. "Thank you. This is for a husband who can no longer walk," he said.

In total, there are 1,000 wheelchairs, including the participation of the State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) Kimia Farma 100 units.

Dr. Tasks said that in the future the foundation program will deploy a team to care about the stroke of the ball pick-up system or similar road shows to certain locations to detect early symptoms and treatment assistance for stroke sufferers. The team moved using two units of Transjakarta-like buses which were modified in them had medical devices including a CT Scan machine to detect stroke.

"We will travel to various regions to realize the spirit of Yasroki Friendly Stroke," he said.

According to the Chairperson of the Jambore Stroke Committee, Dr Saptadji, the distribution of wheelchairs is held continuously. "Today it is here according to the list of names we have recorded."

Wheelchair enthusiasts can register with dr. Linda, via HP contact number 08151872110.

Among the triggers for stroke attacks is mental tension. Avoid it to live a happy life and don't forget to be happy. The trick, always grateful and sincere.

In line with Yasroki's call, the Jakarta Weltevreden City Foundation (Jakwel), which is oriented towards cultural heritage tourism, has collaborated.

"Our mental tension is trying to turn into joy - happy by enjoying the Weltevreden building and or cultural heritage area around Lapangan Banteng, Pasar Baru, Harmoni, Medan Merdeka, Menteng and others. So don't forget to be happy," said Toto Irianto, Chairman of the Jakwel Foundation after the presentation of Dr. dr. Ratmono's duties.

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