
YOGYAKARTA - Election moments can be used to make benefits from doing business. Increasing political activity can have a good effect on business activities. There are several businesses that have the potential to pay ahead of the election.

Especially before the election, the presidential and vice-presidential candidates and their supporting parties will spend money on campaigns. This campaign activity certainly requires various products and services, thereby increasing business opportunities such as campaign attributes, advertising services, transportation services, and so on.

In addition, the government will also allocate larger funds for this year's election. Business actors can take advantage of this to obtain contracts for the procurement of goods and services from the government. So what are the businesses that have the potential to pay for the 2024 election?

The times leading up to the election are a good momentum for business people or business actors. Businessmen can take advantage of the high demand for product and services needs from parties involved in political contestation.

Here are some profitable businesses ahead of the 2024 General Election that you can live:

Various products related to campaigns are in great demand ahead of the election. The presidential or legislative candidates and their parties need some attributes to support political contestation, such as t-shirts, hats, stickers, and other items that have the name or logo of a political party or candidate.

The transportation service business also received high demand ahead of the election. Services such as online motorcycle taxis, buses, and trains are needed because people's mobility increases to participate in campaigns or vote at polling stations.

The need for advertising also increases during election momentum. The required advertising products, including posters, billboards, billboards, and interesting social media content.

In addition to using billboards and posters, virtual methods such as advertisements on television and social media are important for seeking support. You can offer content or advertising services for lucrative fees.

Homecoming services usually also get high demand ahead of the election. Party members as well as presidential and vice presidential candidates sympathizers will need accommodation, such as hotels, homestays, and lodging to participate in the campaign. Many political parties use hotels for internal consolidation and various preparations ahead of the 2024 General Election.

The services of event organizers or event organizers are needed a lot before the election. EO services are used by political parties and successful teams to hold events attended by supporters. Event organizers are responsible for working on designing event concepts, planning systems, and implementing campaign strategies to ensure the success of the campaign.

The catering business was also busy in the days leading up to the general election. In various campaign events held, there must be a need for consumption. Therefore, the catering business can be a promising business opportunity to generate during the election.

Other businesses that also get high demand ahead of the election are convection businesses. Political parties will order the creation of campaign attributes, such as t-shirts, hats, bags, and flags. They will even order in large quantities, so that the profits they get are even more.

Those are some businesses that have the potential to pay ahead of the 2024 General Election. For those of you who want to earn or dredge money, take advantage of the momentum of the election by undergoing a number of businesses above. The high demand for purchases or procurement of products and services is a great opportunity for business people.

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