
JAKARTA - Former Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive Board (PP), Din Syamsuddin views that presidential candidates (candidates) or vice presidential candidates (cawapres) who are too young are not right to be leaders.

Likewise with presidential candidates who are too old because they have the potential to experience a decrease in memory. Din assessed that presidential election candidates are expected not to be too old or too young.

This was conveyed by Din when he met the prospective vice presidential candidate Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) at the PKB DPP office by bringing a number of Islamic mass organizations.

"Those who are too young, especially the lack of experience, are dangerous. But not too old. Very human and natural if you are too old, you like dementia, you forget. But also don't be too young, because leadership flying hours are important," said Din at the PKB DPP office, Central Jakarta, Friday, November 3.

When expressing his support for the Anies Baswedan-Cak Imin pair, Din views that the presidential and vice presidential candidates are quite young candidates, but have experience in the executive and legislative seats.

"We know that both Cak Imin and Mas Anies also have experience in managing national politics, both in ministries and in legislative institutions," he said.

Din also claimed that Anies and Cak Imin were pairs of presidential and vice-presidential candidates who described the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) coalition as well as Muhammadiyah.

Because, said Din, Cak Imin was born to the NU family. He is the great-grandson of the founder of NU, KH Bisri Syansuri. Meanwhile, Anies is considered by Din to be part of Muhammadiyah.

"I was asked 'when will Indonesia be led by NU and Muhammadiyah figures?' I answered like this, Cak Imin is an NU figure, Mas Anies can be considered from Muhammadiyah. This has happened by the Muhammadiyah and NU coalitions," said Din.

However, Din asked that negative views from his perceptions about Anies and Cak Imin do not appear that describe the coalition of the two major Islamic organizations.

"NU and Muhammadiyah are pillars of AWAY and Indonesian countries. So, there is no need to worry about marena helping to build the nation and state. Islamic organizations including NU and Muhammadyah have central or wasatiyah insight. This is what we mean to come, to appreciate the political ijtihad," explained Din.

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