
YOGYAKARTA – In the run-up to the legislative general election and the presidential and vice-presidential elections, campaign props and socialization props are widely scattered on the roadside. Check out the differences between campaign props and socialization props in the following article.

Difference between campaign props and socialization props

1. Campaign Props

According to General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) Number 28 of 2018 concerning Amendments to PKPU Number 23 of 2018 concerning General Election Campaigns, campaign props (APK) are all objects or other forms that contain the vision, mission, program and/or other information. from election participants, symbols or signs depicting election participants, which are installed for campaign purposes which aim to invite people to vote for certain election participants.

Next, in Article 34 Paragraph (2) PKPU Number 15 of 2023 concerning General Election Campaigns it is stated that campaign props can include:

  • Advertising
  • Banner
  • Pennants

The design and materials on election campaign visual aids at least contain the vision and mission, program, and/or self-image of election participants.

The regulations also explain campaign materials (BK). According to the General Election Commission, campaign material is an object or other that is "distributed/distributed" for campaign purposes.

Article 30 PKPU No. 15/2023 states that campaign materials can take the form of:

  • Leaflets (flyers)
  • Brochure (leaflet)
  • Pamphlet
  • Poster
  • Decal
  • Clothes
  • Headgear
  • Drinks/food
  • Calendar
  • Name card
  • Pin
  • Stationery
  • Other campaign attributes in accordance with statutory provisions.

The regulations also state that every election campaign material must have value:

  • The maximum is IDR 100 thousand when converted into money
  • In accordance with statutory provisions governing input cost standards.
  • The price remains reasonable

Campaign props can be installed in locations that are not prohibited based on PKPU regulations and related laws and regulations.

2. Socialization Props

Meanwhile, what is meant by socialization teaching aids (APS) are all objects or other forms used to carry out voter education. APS cannot contain visions or photos of legislative candidates.

APS is useful for providing information to voters, providing understanding when elections take place, and providing voter awareness about elections.

In article 79 of PKPU Number 15 of 2023 concerning General Election Campaigns, it is stated that political outreach and education is carried out by displaying the flags of political parties participating in the election and their serial numbers. Apart from that, election outreach can also take the form of limited meetings with written notification to the KPU and Bawaslu, according to their level.

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