
The Regency Government (Pemkab) Agam issued a circular for the use of masks in the school environment in anticipation of the Acute Respiratory Channel Infection (ISPA) disease due to the increasing smog in the area. Head of the Agam Education and Culture Office, Isra said Circular Letter Number 421/2824/Disdikbud-2023 concerning the Appeal for the Use of Masks. "The circular was issued after the increasing smog fog in the Agam area," he said in Lubuk Basung, Agam, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), Friday, October 20, was confiscated by Antara. He said, there were three points in the circular, including urging teachers, students, and education personnel to use masks when they were or carried out out out outdoor activities. Then, remind school residents to reduce activities outside the classroom and remind school residents to always maintain health by consuming nutritious food. The use of this mask, he continued, is important to prevent ARPA disease. "This is in preventing ARPA disease from hitting students in the area," he said.

Isra added to the coordinator of the work unit, principal of PAUD, SD, and SMP schools, as well as the organizers of the Learning Activity Studio (SKB) and the Center for Community Learning Activities (PKBM) to continue the appeal to all parties according to the circular given. Meanwhile, students, he said, bring and increase drinking water and take vitamins so that their immune system increases. Drink more water and take vitamins to maintain body resistance to current conditions," he said.

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