The police revealed that revenge was the motive for the beating until the victim died in Kafe Gold, Jati Wetan Village, Jati District, Kudus.
From the results of the officer's development, eight perpetrators of the beating were arrested. They are B, D, S, T, H, Be, P, and N, one of whom is the cafe manager.
"Based on the perpetrator's statement, the beating of the victim named J (21) from Purworejo Village, Bae District, Kudus, the motive is because he is hurt and wants revenge," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Kudus Police, AKP Danang Sri Wiratno, in Kudus, Kudus Regency, Central Java, Wednesday, October 18, confiscated by Antara.
Danang said there was still one other perpetrator who was being hunted by the Kudus Police. Currently, the perpetrator is a fugitive.
He explained that the incident began when victim J visited the cafe. At that time there was a dispute between the victim and the perpetrator of the beating.
On Thursday, July 20, J and his partner came back to the Gold Cafe karaoke entertainment venue. Meanwhile, the perpetrators had prepared themselves to take revenge. When J came back, the perpetrators were beaten with their bare hands.
For their actions, the perpetrators were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 12 years in prison.
The case of persecution that resulted in the death of one victim on July 20, 2023 at a karaoke place in Jati Wetan Village, Jati District, Kudus, also received a response from the Kudus Regency Government by sealing it.
Kudus Satpol PP has also repeatedly visited the cafe location to be put in order because according to local regulations it does not allow the operation of karaoke cafe entertainment businesses.
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