
The four students who followed Habib Bahar bin Smith drowned while swimming at Sunset Beach, Cisolok District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java on Tuesday, October 17 at around 16.39 WIB. In the incident, one person was declared missing.

The coordinator of the Sukabumi Basarnas SAR Post, Suryo Adianto, confirmed that the four students who drowned were followers of Habib Bahar bin Smith.

The four students are KR (15), IB (12), RN (12), and RI (14). Three people were rescued in this incident, but one of the students with the initials KR was declared missing and is still in the process of being searched.

Regarding the chronology of the sinking of the four students, when they had just swam on the edge of Sunset Beach, suddenly a big wave came and dragged the four students. Luckily three people were rescued.

Currently joint officers are still trying to find the whereabouts of the victim by combing the coast area for two kilometers.

"Because the conditions at night and the wave position are quite high, and the search will continue on Wednesday morning," said Suryo.

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