
JAKARTA - Deputy Secretary of the Counterterrorism and Extremism Agency of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Najih Arromadloni reminded the Indonesian people to be aware of the propaganda of jihad in the guise of defending humanitarian issues in Palestine.

Najih said the Palestinian and Israeli conflicts could not be separated from the politicization of radicals. The issue of caliphate enforcement, he said, was riding on the problems of both parties which made the situation increasingly counterproductive.

"Actually, the Palestinian issue is simple, this is a humanitarian issue. That's why some world leaders have said that You don't need to be a Muslim to defend Palestine, you just need to be human. This is a humanitarian issue," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 17.

The exploration of the Palestinian-Israel issue, he said, would only misappropriate or even eliminate the focus of the real problem. For this reason, Najih said the Indonesian people must be careful in responding to the issue.a

When many countries in the Middle East fight for Palestinian nationalism and independence, these caliphate carriers even propagate the importance of the caliphate system. The propaganda they carry seems to bring cool winds, so that it anesthesizes many people and makes them forget about the Palestinian issue," he said.

He reminded that various movements carrying the caliphate were suspected to be intelligence-driven movements to deflect the substance of the problem.

"The movement carrying the caliphate has succeeded in breaking the focus of the community, from those who previously fought for Palestinian independence to become a campaign to enforce the caliphate system that is predicted to create utopia," he said.

Najih advised all parties to continue to strive to defend Palestine through a legal framework. The Indonesian people can express their aspirations through the government or representatives of the people in parliament instead of illegal efforts and radicalism.

MUI believes that the Indonesian government is still committed and working hard to realize peace in Palestine, one of which is through advocacy in international forums.

I think the President of Indonesia has spoken firmly in various international forums, alluding to the Palestinian issue that must be resolved immediately. Therefore, do not let us as the people take steps that violate the law, especially if we lead to radicalism, "said Najih.

According to him, the solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is actually simple, namely the Indonesian people must be able to continue to encourage the end of the colonialism carried out by Israel and comply with international laws.

"If Israel stops its occupation, then obeys international laws, and when all parties can exercise restraint, as well as realize a two-state solution as the Indonesian government has seen it, I think the Palestinian-Israel issue can be resolved in the best possible way," he said.

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