
The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Barelang Police (Batam, Rempang, and Galang), Riau Islands, found dozens of live ammunition and rubber bullets belonging to suspects for embezzlement of shophouse certificates in Batam.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Barelang Police, Kompol Budi Hatono, explained that dozens of live ammunition and rubber bullets were found by his party during a search at the suspect's office, which is currently on the wanted list (DPO).

"So when we searched the office belonging to the suspect with the initials TJ and J, we found 75 ammunition. The ammunition consisted of 50 live bullets and 25 rubber bullets," said Budi in Batam, Riau Islands, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 17.

Dozens of bullets that were found, he said, were known to have no permits. However, in the findings of the bullet, his party did not find a gun, allegedly being carried or hidden by the two suspects.

"So the ammunition found was for pistol-type firearms. When checking only ammunition was found, the gun was not. We also checked the ammunition permit and it was not found," he said.

The two people were named as suspects in the case of embezzlement of shophouse certificates worth Rp. 19.5 billion.

Both have also been named suspects by the Ditreskrimsus Polda Kepri for the case of consumer protection with victims' losses reaching hundreds of billions of rupiah.

Budi said the two were reported by their victims because they did not hand over 10 three-story shophouse certificates in the Mitra Raya 2 area, Batam City. Even though the 10 shophouse units have been paid in full by the victims.

"The two suspects have been designated as DPOs. They were designated as DPOs on Monday (16/10) and they also violated the emergency law with a maximum penalty of 20 years. For the two suspects, we hope they cooperate to surrender and account for their actions," he said.

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