
The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs held a Public Consultation to discuss changes and improvements to the Draft Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 62 of 2018 concerning Handling the Social Impact of Social Affairs in the Context of Provision of Land for National Development in Batam City.

Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy Susiwijono Moegiarso conveyed that the public consultation was carried out in the context of handling the plan to develop the Pulau Rempang Area, Batam.

"In the field, we understand very well that it is not easy to convey, communicate to the public. However, we believe that our initial intentions, from the start, want to encourage the development of Batam's development and economy, which in the end is also certain for the welfare of our society. We continue to strive, and Alhamdulillah, as of today, it is getting more conducive," said Susiwijono as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, October 7.

This activity was also directed to prioritize community participation efforts or MEANingful participation which is a mandate in Law (UU) Number 13 of 2022 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 12 of 2011 so that in the process of changing the law it is also carried out by strengthening meaningful community involvement and participation.

Susiwijono emphasized that these changes needed to be carried out immediately as a basis for realizing the development and development of the Batam economy as well as for the welfare of the Batam community.

"The plan to change Presidential Decree No. 62 of 2018, which in the end, from the basis of the hook in general in the Presidential Regulation, will be followed up with further arrangements in the form of the Regulation of the Head of BP Batam, which later we will definitely decide together," he said.

Expert Staff for Regulation, Law Enforcement and Economic Resilience of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, Elen Setiadi, explained that changes to the Perpes could accelerate national development through handling social impacts.

"The purpose of the amendment to Presidential Decree Number 62 of 2018 itself is to accelerate the implementation of land provision for national development through handling social impacts that are more acceptable to the community," said Sahli.

These changes also aim to provide certainty in providing compensation which includes calculations of buildings and plants as well as community-owned means of business, providing land and substitute houses to the community accompanied by basic infrastructure development, social facilities, and public facilities so that the community remains in the future.

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