French Kutuk 1 Panic, Ministers Worried That Paris' Image Will Be Damaged
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JAKARTA - The French government is working hard to contain national panic over the actions of rottenbugs. Recently, it was reported that a school was hit by a rotten meal attack. Senior officials from the ministry of health, economy and transportation then met today at the prime minister's office to coordinate plans for action against the insect. They are expected to speed up proposals for the national observatory on roty ticks. Their goal is to build an accurate picture of the phenomenon Entomologists and health experts as quoted by the BBC, Friday, October 5, have warned that despite the surge in the population of mealybugs, not everything that the public sees is negligee. Nicolas Roux de B&eacee;Zieux, creator of the website for controlling pests, said that in three of the four calls he received from the owner of the house, the problem turned out to be not caused by rotten ticks. Romain Morzaderc, a pest controller in Brittany, told the Ouest-France newspaper that 99 percent of cases, "yes, there are disgusting black insects, but no, they're not rotten ticks." The government is also shocked by the story of aphids dominating the main news at home and abroad. Ministers fear that Paris' image will be damaged, and tourism could be disrupted, especially during next year's Olympics. Transport Minister Cl Beaune previously said, of the nearly 50 reports of rotybug sightings on the metro and SNCF trains, none were verified. "I don't want to see some kind of French punch happen... as it sometimes does in Anglo-Saxon countries," he said. "The problem needs to be taken very seriously. There is no denial. And no hysterism." Over the past few weeks, pest control companies across France have reported a major increase in vetted exit calls. Experts say there is always a pick-up after the summer holidays, and every year the spike is getting bigger. "This is happening in cities everywhere," said Roux de B&eacee; Flats have also been reported in cinemas, trains, hospitals, and schools. Social media has greatly strengthened public anxiety-although many videos circulating on the internet actually contain insects that are not rotten ticks. In the latest verified case, teachers at Elisa-Lemonnier lyc&eac; (medium school) in Paris' 12th district refused to work on Friday after several classrooms, offices, and changing areas were found to have rotten ticks. Among other steps considered by the government are managing the cost of eradication; clarifying the financial responsibility between flat owners and tenants; and a list of registered pest control companies. According to France's leading expert dieter Jean-Michel Bergerer, many pest controllers have minimal and immoral training in intervening even though they know rotten meal is not the problem. Amid hype, public education about roty ticks has certainly taken an important step forward to tackle future spikes. Among the new facts that arise are interesting details about the sex life of the lectularius cimex, the official name of the insect. According to scientists, vets are one of the few species that practice traumatic insemination. With his thorny penis, a male rotary tick can stab a female in any part of her body. Spermnya then flows through blood flow to its reproductive organs. For thousands of years, females have developed curves in their stomach to encourage males to stab them in that place. Male rotarybugs also show homosexual behavior, and even try to fertilize other species.

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