
SITUBONDO - Traffic Unit (Satlantas) of the Situbondo Police, East Java, named truck driver number B 9847 UEW E Nano Setiawan (42) as a suspect in a fatal accident.

The truck driver is suspected of being negligent and is the cause of a series of accidents which resulted in four deaths and injuries.

Nano Setiawan, a resident of Mekarasih Village, Malangbong District, Garut Regency, was named a suspect after the truck he was driving was involved in an accident with the police number B 9396 KCF diesel truck and the police microbus number N 7388 EA carrying 12 passengers on the Pantura highway, Besuki District, on Saturday, September 23, 2023.

"We immediately detained the suspect Nano Setiawan in the custody of the Situbondo Police," said Head of Traffic Accident Unit of the Situbondo Police, Ipda Kadek Yasa, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 3.

Before naming the truck driver as a suspect in the accident case that resulted in the death of four passengers, he said, the police conducted a crime scene investigation and asked for information from a number of witnesses.

"The suspect Nano Setiawan was charged with Article 310 paragraph (2) and paragraph (4) of the Road Traffic and Transportation Law which carries a maximum penalty of six years in prison," said Kadek.

Previously, a series of accidents involving a truck number B 9847 UEW driven by E Nano Setiawan and a diesel cold truck number B 9396 KCF and a microbus number N 7388 EA resulted in four passengers including a microbus being killed and a number of other passengers injured.

The driver of the microbusnopol N 7388 EA Sutrisno (41), a resident of Tlogomas Village, Lowokwaru District, Malang City, died at the scene and suffered head injuries and lacerations to his right and left legs.

Passengers of the Microbus vehicle on behalf of Sumiyati (45), a resident of Junrejo Village, Junrejo District, Batu City, also died at the location and suffered a closed bone fracture in the right leg and suffered a laceration to the right side of the head.

Meanwhile, two other victims who were also passengers of the microbus died at the hospital after several times receiving medical treatment.

The successive accident occurred when the truck number B 9847 UEW driven by E Nano Setiawan drove from east to west (Banyuwangi-Surabaya).

While at the scene, it is suspected that the truck swerved to the right and the driver could not control the speed of the vehicle so that it hit a truck with police number B 9396 KCF driven by Lelono G andmicrobusN 7388 EA which came from the opposite direction.

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