
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) conveyed a special message to the candidate for presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo while attending the IV PDIP National Working Meeting (Rekernas) at JIExpo Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

Jokowi asked Ganjar to immediately pay attention to food sovereignty if he is elected president in 2024.

Initially, Jokowi said the PDIP National Working Meeting theme was very relevant to the threat of climate change and geopolitical circumstances in the world that affect food supply.

"The increase in geothermal temperatures, drought everywhere, long dryness, causing crop failure, causing crop failure, and super El Nino in 7 provinces in our country also affects the food supply of our people in Indonesia," Jokowi said in his speech at the PDIP National Working Meeting at JiExpo Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Friday, September 29.

"The second is also related to the world's geopoliticals which also affects the food supply. The Ukraine war seems far from us, but it turns out that the wheat that was conveyed by Mega's mother, our wheat, we imported 11 million tons of wheat and almost 30 percent of Ukraine and Russia because there was indeed the world's largest grain producer," he continued.

Jokowi then told the story when he met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin who discussed the obstacles to the export of wheat. This affects supply in Africa, Asia and Europe.

"Yesterday I read on news in one developed country in Europe, many school children are no longer having breakfast, who usually have breakfast now are not having breakfast due to lack of food, because of the high cost of food," said Jokowi.

In addition, he continued, food prices are increasing in 22 countries because they are no longer exporting food, including rice. "So once again I strongly agree with what was conveyed by the general chairman, Mrs. Mega, all agree. And even more agree with what was conveyed by the presidential candidate, Mr. Ganjar Pranowo," said Jokowi.

Jokowi then admitted that he had spoken to Ganjar. He asked the former governor of Central Java to immediately step on the gas to deal with food problems if he was elected as the 8th president of the Republic of Indonesia later.

"Earlier I whispered to him. 'Sir, after being inaugurated, the next day immediately entered food sovereignty', it didn't have to take long, the plan was prepared now, as soon as it is inaugurated tomorrow it will immediately enter the work of food sovereignty so that food self-sufficiency, food security, food sovereignty, we really have it," said Jokowi.

Jokowi admitted that he was horrified by all countries that put the brakes on exporting their wheat, rice and sugar. Therefore, he asked the nation's future leaders to have a vision and mission to solve this food problem.

"In the next five years, in the next 10 years, we must have a tactical vision, not a mission vision that is too good in the clouds, but a tactical vision, a detailed work plan, we must have and I am sure that Pak Ganjar is able to solve this," said Jokowi.

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