
BENGKULU In commemoration of the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 1445 Hijriah, hundreds of people in the Muara Bangkahulu sub-district of Bengkulu City carry out the procession with 70 yellow rice cones to the mosque. "To commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 1445 Hijri, hundreds of residents of Muara Bangkahulu sub-district carry out the tradition of the procession of tumpeng rice," said the Ajransyah Organizing Committee, Thursday, September 28. He mentioned that the tumpeng rice that was paraded to the mosque would be distributed to all worshipers and residents in the mosque environment to be consumed together. The practice of the tumpeng rice procession is a tradition that is routinely carried out by the people of Bengkulu City in welcoming the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. "This is a tradition of how we welcome the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW with a form of joy. It is also a form of our love for giving alms in the form of jambar rice in the hope of getting his favor in the final yaumul," said Ajransyah. After carrying out the procession, his party also carried out the traditional activities of Bengkulu, namely Sarafal Anam by singing the lyrics of praise for the Prophet Muhammad SAW and the chanting of holy verses accompanied by abina tool, typical of the Lembak Tribe in Bengkulu.

Sarafal Anam is a traditional tradition and culture of Lembak Bengkulu which consists of beating the rebana with remembrance, praying for the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The commemoration, he continued, was carried out as a form of people's love for the Prophet. In addition to doing the procession of tumpeng rice, his party also held competition activities for children. For the competition that is carried out, such as memorizing short verses of the Qur'an and other religious competitions in enlivening the commemoration of the Prophet's Birthday in the region.

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