
JAKARTA - Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi stressed that nuclear weapons must be completely and thoroughly destroyed, to prevent abuse and eliminate the threat of nuclear weapons.

He made this statement when representing Indonesia and ASEAN at the High-Level Plenary Meeting to commemorate International Day of the Eradication of Total Nuclear Weapons at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, United States, Tuesday (26/9).

"ASEAN continues to be committed to encouraging global efforts to eliminate and non-political weapons. However, ASEAN is worried that the country's commitment to fulfilling its obligations will be fading," said Retno, as conveyed in a written statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 27.

For this reason, the Foreign Minister calls on countries to comply with and fulfill their obligations to various international agreements, including Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Comprehensive Trial Ban Agreement (CTBT), and Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty (TPNW).

According to him, NPT is the main teacher or referral of countries in the global effort to reduce nuclear weapons, non-proliferation, and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

Therefore, a strong political will is needed to maintain integrity and implement the treaty effectively.

"ASEAN calls on nuclear weapons-owning countries to fulfill their commitments and obligations as mandated by the NPT," said Retno.

During the meeting, Foreign Minister Retno also conveyed the position of ASEAN which strongly rejected nuclear trials, as stated in the Nuclear Weapons Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).

ASEAN called for countries to comply with the treaty, as well as encourage countries that have not signed and ratified the treaty to do so immediately.

Closing ASEAN's Joint Statement, the Indonesian Foreign Minister conveyed the importance of implementing the Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Contract (TPNW) as a whole.

"ASEAN continues to be committed to creating a Southeast Asia region free from nuclear weapons and from other weapons of mass destruction," said Retno.

Meanwhile, in Indonesia's national statement, Foreign Minister Retno emphasized the need to create a world free from nuclear weapons.

Therefore, total nuclear weapons destruction must be carried out and must be included in the global important agenda, including through the New Agenda for Peace proposed by the Secretary General of the United Nations in strengthening multilateralism and creating peace.

Furthermore, it encourages countries to ensure the right to be able to develop and utilize nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

Therefore, close collaboration is needed in utilizing nuclear technology, including agriculture, health and industry. Utilization of nuclear energy for this peaceful purpose will contribute significantly to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) by 2030.

Indonesia has ratified and became a state of NPT in 1978 and CTBT in 2012. Currently, Indonesia is finalizing the TPNW ratification process.

The High Level Plenary Meeting to Commemorate and Promote the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons is held annually to raise public awareness about the threats posed by nuclear weapons and the need for total elimination of nuclear weapons.

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