
YOGYAKARTA - A total of 12 regencies and cities in Indonesia will soon officially have a Public Service Mall (MPP). It is planned that the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas will carry out the inauguration with the arrival of 12 MPP from 11 provinces, in Jakarta, Tuesday (26/09). So, what do you think is a public service mall?

The twelve MPPs are located in North Halmahera Regency, South Bolaang Mongondow Regency, North Toraja Regency, Mataram City, Hulu Sungai Utara Regency, East Kotawaringin Regency, Ketapang Regency, Kediri City, Bantul Regency, North Bengkulu Regency, and Tebo Regency. Thus, after the inauguration tomorrow, the number of MPPs spread across all of Indonesia reached 152 MPP.

The reason is, Public Service Malls are places where we can get services from the central, regional, BUMN, BUMD, and private governments in one building, which are integrated.

Deputy for Public Service of the Ministry of PANRB Diah Natalisa explained that the implementation of MPP is one of the government's strategies in efforts to improve the quality of public services for a long time where the integration of all services, including vertical institutions, regional institutions, BUMN, BUMD and the private sector. The arrival of the MPP provides easy, affordable, comfortable and safe services for residents.

"The inauguration of the MPP is as the characteristic that an MPP is worthy of operation to provide services to residents," said Deputy Diah.

Not only the construction of MPP physically, but the PANRB Ministry also simultaneously urges the regional government to introduce Digital MPP. Of the 12 MPPs that will be set tomorrow, East Kotawaringin Regency is also one of the pilot projects for the National Digital MPP.

These 12 MPPs also have infrastructure facilities and facilities that are in accordance with service standards. These include lactation spaces, reading corners, corner children's play, wc people with disabilities, consulas rooms, and ATMs.

MPP to be inaugurated along with the number of services and agencies to join:

1. North Maluku Province - North Halmahera Regency: 77 services from 26 agencies

2. Province of North Sulawesi- South Bolaang Mongondow Regency: 72 services from 10 agencies

3. South Sulawesi Province- Sinjai Regency: 47 services from 25 North Toraja Regencies: 94 services from 16 agencies

4. West Nusa Tenggara Province- Mataram City: 149 services from 14 agencies

5. Province of South Kalimantan- North Hulu Sungai Regency: 109 services from 9 agencies

6. Central Kalimantan Province- East Kotawaringin Regency: 179 services from 34 agencies

7. West Kalimantan Province- Ketapang Regency: 100 services out of 16 agencies

8. East Java-City Province Kediri: 86 services from 11 agencies

9. Yogyakarta DI Province - Bantul Regency: 127 services from 18 agencies

10. Bengkulu Province - North Bengkulu Regency: 163 services from 23 agencies

11. Jambi Province Tebo Regency: 124 services out of 13 agencies

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