
JAKARTA - The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Kuching escorted and assisted Indonesian Migrant Workers who were beaten at a food stall in Batu Kawa, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

The Indonesian Consulate General in Kuching Raden Sigit Witjaksono said that the Indonesian Consulate General previously on Friday (22/9), at 20.45 time Malaysia received information from local residents, a woman Indonesian citizen (WNI) who worked in a food shop had been treated harshly.

The Indonesian woman has been forced to drink water from inside the glass and then slapped and hit on the head by a local man who is suspected to be the employer of the Indonesian migrant worker.

The Indonesian Consulate General received a CCTV video clip of the beating of local residents who provided the information. On Saturday (23/9), the video went viral and spread on Facebook social media and received many responses from various groups in Malaysia.

After receiving this information, according to Sigit, the Indonesian Consulate General moved to find the truth and managed to get information on the migrant worker with the initials YN and immediately coordinated with the local Police to take action and save the Indonesian citizen.

On the same day, the Criminal Investigation Division of IPD Padawan arrested a man suspected of beating him in the viral CCTV video clip, and managed to save YN and his male friend with the initials FD.

Meanwhile, based on media broadcasts from Acting Regional Police Chief Padawan DSP Lim Jaw Shyong, on Saturday, at 18.10 local time they found an upload on Mark Jackson's Facebook showing someone being hit at a food stall on Jalan MJC Batukawa, Kuching.

Police from IPD Padawan also confirmed receiving complaints related to the viral incident on the social media page from a 37-year-old man that afternoon.

In his complaint, the man said he received a post on the social media page where an Indonesian woman had been forced to drink liquid from inside the glass, then slapped, and hit her head by someone suspected of being a local resident.

Segera setelah menerima laporan, Badan Reserse Kriminal IPD Padawan bergerak ke lokasi kejadian melakukan penyelidikan lebih lanjut.

The main suspect, a 24-year-old man, has been detected, as have the victim and his partner. Witnesses have been questioned at the police station.

The case is being investigated under Article 323 of the Criminal Code. If found guilty, it can be imprisoned for up to one year or with a fine or both.

The police have contacted the Indonesian Consulate General in Kuching in Sarawak and the victim was then referred to the Consulate General for the time being, and stated that the case was not related to thuggery elements.

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