
Acting Governor of West Java Beyxi Machmudin asked the acting regents and mayors who had just been inaugurated and other regional leaders in West Java to focus on several things from the 2024 political year to the waste problem.

The reason, said Bey, the officials are implementers of government affairs according to the authority and laws and regulations in their respective regions.

"So of course the hope of the community is very high on all of you, to give you even better hope from you to solve all the problems that will be faced," said Bey Machmudin as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 20.

The acting regents and mayors who were sworn in today together with regional heads in West Java who are currently in office, said Bey, will face a big task in the democratic party in 2024 as a political year.

"All brothers and sisters must be able to ensure that the 2024 General Election can run safely, smoothly and peacefully, both legislative elections, presidential elections, and simultaneous regional head elections and ensure neutrality from ASN TNI and Polri," said Bey.

Furthermore, said Bey, regional heads must also pay attention to malnutrition (stunting), because even though the average stunting preference rate in West Java is much better and below the national average we are still at 13th position nationally, and there are targets that have not been achieved in several areas to get to zero stunting in 2023.

"Then also the tasks of controlling inflation regarding the prices of basic necessities and also the threat of drought that hit several regions, and we must also ensure that the basic needs of the community are met and can be accessed easily to maintain economic and social stability ahead of the election," he said.

Bey reminded the acting regents and mayors who had just been inaugurated to often go to the field to ensure that the community's needs and complaints were met, either through face-to-face or on social media.

"Don't let us not listen to what they complain about," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding waste, Bey Machmudin specifically asked the Acting Mayor of Bandung and Acting West Bandung Regency, to focus on dealing with waste emergencys.

"For the specialities of Bandung City and West Bandung Regency, please pay attention to the waste problem because we are currently in a waste emergency," he said.

On that occasion, Bey Machmudin also expressed his gratitude to the regency city DPRD for playing a large role in the process of selecting the regents and mayors, starting from the plenary meeting for the termination of the term of office of regents and mayors for the 2018-2023 term of office, as well as the proposal for acting regents and mayors at the interior ministry.

"I hope that the acting regents and mayors can carry out communication and partnerships with all forkopimda officials, DPRD, community leaders, as well as with all elements of regional apparatus so that the duties of authority and local government can continue to run well," he said.

It is known that six acting regents and mayors in West Java were sworn in on Wednesday at Gedung Sate, Bandung City, to fill the position of regional head until 2024.

The six appointed officials are Acting Mayor of Bekasi Gani Muhammad, Acting Mayor of Sukabumi Kusmana Hartadji and Acting Mayor of Bandung Bambang Tirtoyuliono.

Then Acting Regent of West Bandung Arsan Latif, Acting Regent of Sumedang Herman Suryatman and Acting Regent of Purwakarta Benny Irwan.

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