
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said the business and political world have one thing in common. Both are said to be difficult to gain or build trust. Starting when Jokowi talked about building his business from scratch. He had various difficulties.

"Earlier, Mr. Rambun conveyed with great enthusiasm, maybe this is interesting to tell the story of what I built. Maybe with a different mindset. Because since I built a business, it started completely from scratch," said Jokowi when opening a national working meeting (Rakernas) for National Secretariat volunteers (National Secretariat) Jokowi at the Salak Hotel, Bogor City, West Java, Saturday, September 16.

According to him, the business that was built only had the capital of trust. Because, that's all I had. "I built it at that time was one, namely trust, trust, nothing else, because I had nothing," he said.

Trust is key. With that, many people helped him build a business to be as big as it is today.

"The Solo people will know where I left, what I have. Likewise in the business that I built are trust, trust, so that people want to give their raw materials to me, lend, people want to provide materials without paying first, that's what I build, trust," he explained.

Not only in the business sector, trust is also necessary in the world of politics. Jokowi said that getting a sense of trust is not an easy matter.

"Likewise, when I entered politics, it was the same. What I built, not this, this, only one that I built, was trust, trust, that's difficult," said Jokowi.

"But once again, from the start I built a company as well as trust, building a political career which I also built was trust, public trust," he continued.

In fact, Jokowi had revealed the difficulty of getting trust when he was Mayor of Solo. It is undeniable that many people hesitate to choose him to become a leader at that time. However, various efforts were made. Because, trust is very important in building Indonesia.

"Back to politics, that trust was given to me. Both when the mayor, in the second period I was chosen by 91 percent at that time. First, when I started, it was only 37 percent chosen. But it's okay, the most important thing is to win. So it's the same, in building this country is also the same. From the start it has not changed, is trust, trust. In the national and global spheres, that's the most difficult thing," said Jokowi.

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