PAPUA - Head of the Papua Province Health Office (Dinkes), Robby Kayame, said that from the data collected, it was revealed that the most transmission of HIV-AIDS cases in Papua was due to changing partners (heterosexual).
"Based on data from the Papua Health Office which still oversees three new autonomous regions (DOB) until March 2023, there were 51,408 people affected by HIV-AIDS," he told ANTARA in Jayapura, Wednesday, September 13.
"Of the 51,408 cases, 49,965 cases were recorded, the transmission came from changing partners," he added.
He explained that the data on HIV-AIDS cases has not yet been divided into four new provinces (DOB), so the data still covers 29 regencies and cities. Three expansion provinces from Papua Province, namely Papua Mountains, Central Papua and South Papua.
Meanwhile, from data from the Papua Health Office, it was also revealed that the second most transmission came from mothers to children, which reached 860 cases, homosexuals recorded 237 cases, bisexual 61 cases, 46 cases of transmission through blood transfer, 23 cases of transmission through drug use (IDU) injection and 216 cases unknown.
He explained that the highest HIV-AIDS cases were recorded in Nabire Regency with 9,412 cases, following Jayapura City with 7,953 cases, Mimika 7,130 cases, Jayawijaya with 6,883 cases, Jayapura Regency 4,533 cases, Biak 2,904 cases, Merauke 2,729 cases, Paniai 2,111 cases, Yapen Islands 1,661 cases and Tolikara 1,177 cases.
Then, in Lanny Jaya Regency 839 cases, Bintang Mountains recorded 825 cases, Puncak Jaya 668 cases, Dogiyai 484 cases, Keerom 425 cases, Asmat 327 cases, Mappi 249 cases, Boven Digul 214 cases, Waropen 200 cases, Supiori 192 cases, Deiyai 114 cases, Sarmi 99 cases, Central Mamberamo 84 cases, Yalimo 76 cases, Puncak 66 cases, Yahukimo 22 cases, Mamberamo Raya 16 cases, Intan Jaya 14 cases and Nduga Regency one case.
With the rise of HIV-AIDS cases, it is hoped that people will no longer change partners and those who have tested positive should continue to take ARV drugs obtained for free.
"Setia for couples to avoid HIV-AIDS, but for those who are positive, it is hoped that they will regularly take anti-retroviral (ARV) drugs," said Robby Kayame.
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