
JAKARTA - Gerindra Party Chairman Prabowo Subianto visited the Golkar Party DPP office on Anggrek Neli Murni Street, Slipi, West Jakarta, Thursday, August 31.

Prabowo, who arrived at 16.15 WIB wearing a yellow batik shirt, was immediately greeted by Golkar General Chairman Airlangga Hartarto and Secretary General Lodewijk F Paulus.

Prabowo's reception at the banyan party headquarters this afternoon was quite lively. The former Kopassus General Commander was immediately presented with a marching band parade and a horse. It is not yet known whether Prabowo was presented with a horse or just shown it off.

When asked by media crew about the horse being a surprise, Prabowo and Airlangga asked the journalists not to make a sound. Because it could disturb the focus of the Minister of Defense's favorite animal.

DOC. VOI/Nailin In Saroh 

Prabowo's presence at the Golkar Party DPP was due to a special invitation from Airlangga to be a speaker at the Golkar Party Public Lecture with the theme 'Responding to Future Leadership Challenges Towards Golden Indonesia 2045'. This event was attended on a limited basis and live via Zoom from 16.30 to 18.00 WIB.

Previously, Golkar party chairman Airlangga Hartarto said there would be a surprise when Prabowo visited the Golkar Party. However, he was reluctant to reveal the surprise.

"Wait tomorrow," said Airlangga at UNS Solo, Tuesday, August 29.

Regarding the Vice Presidential candidate at KIM, the Coordinating Minister for the Economy is also still silent. "Yes, it will be discussed in time," he said.

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