BOGOR - The Bogor Regency Government (Pemkab) will build drill wells in 17 sub-districts and alert 18 clean water tank fleets, to distribute clean water to drought-affected areas. Given the long dry season is predicted to last until the end of September 2023.
This was revealed by the Regional Secretary of Bogor Regency, Burhanudin during a meeting to discuss drought prevention in Bogor Regency with the Bogor Regency Government.
It should be noted that 18 units of clean water tank fleets consist of 10 tank units from Damkar, 4 units from BPBD, 3 units from PDAM, and one unit from PMI will be deployed to distribute clean water to 89 villages from 26 sub-districts in Bogor Regency.
Meanwhile, the drilling well construction plan will be built in 17 sub-districts by the Bogor Regency PUPR with the following details, 13 drill wells built using the Bogor Regency APBD budget and 4 drill wells built using the APBN budget.
17 sub-districts that will be built by bore wells are Caringin District, Pasir Muncang Village, Ciampea District, Cibanteng Village, Cibungbulang District, Leuwengkolot Village.
Then Cibungbulang District, Cibatok Village 1, Cileungsi District, Pasir Angin Village, Ciomas District, Pagelaran Village, Citeureup District, Sukahati Village, Dramaga District, Babakan Village, Gunung Putri District, Cicadas Village.
Then Gunung Sindur District Gunung Sindur Village, Rancabungur District Bantarsari Village, Sukajaya District Jayahariarja Village, Bojonggede District Pabuaran Village, Nagrak Village Sukaraja District. Furthermore, Cibungbulang Village Sukamaju District, Ciomas District Kotababat Village and Cibinong District, Pabuaran Village
"God willing, starting tomorrow we will deploy 17 clean water tankers to send clean water to villages that need clean water, both from BPBD, Damkar, PDAM and PMI. Today we are starting to arrange the delivery schedule, so that we can send it regularly every day," said the Regional Secretary.
Furthermore, Plt. Head of BPBD Asep Sulaeman said the drought response operation would continue to be strengthened and optimized so that drought due to the impact of this drought would not spread in Bogor Regency.
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Because information from the BMKG for the rainy season is predicted to occur in October 2023. This means that until September 2023 the prediction is still in a dry condition.
"We continue to strengthen this drought emergency operation, starting from early detection, optimizing the distribution of clean water routinely every day, and preventing it from anticipating the widespread impact of drought," he added.
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