
The discourse of the 2024 Pilkada is being advanced to become a topic of discussion in the community. Commission II of the DPR RI is ready to discuss the discourse on accelerating the simultaneous regional elections next year, which was originally planned to be implemented on November 27, 2024. If realized, this policy will be outlined through a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) as a form of revision.

Based on the discourse circulating, the simultaneous Pilkada schedule will be moved forward two months earlier, namely in September 2024. Jeiry Sumampow, Coordinator of the Indonesian Election Committee (TePI), admitted that he was not surprised by the development of the discourse on accelerating the simultaneous Pilkada schedule.

So what is the reason for the 2024 Pilkada to be moved forward faster than November to September?

Jeiry Sumampow assessed that the provisions for voting for the 2024 Pilkada contained in Law Number 10 of 2016 which was held in November 2024 were not in accordance with the initial draft regarding the simultaneous Pilkada.

If the Pilkada is held in November, it will be difficult to inaugurate all regional heads simultaneously. This may happen considering the potential for a Pilkada dispute lawsuit, so that the inauguration of the elected regional head will be held no later than January 2025.

Jeiry also revealed that the plan to revise the Pilkada Law to overcome this had actually been raised. However, this step is still waiting for the revision of the Election Law which will unite with the Pilkada Law.

"It turns out that the revision plan did not happen, all of them were disbursed. After thinking about it, studied it, especially now that there are so many regions led by the Acting Head. (local head officials). Not to mention regional development planning must be in sync with the national one, so this (the inauguration of the elected regional head has the potential to be delayed) is indeed an disturbing problem, which must be found solutions," Jeiry said in a written statement, on Thursday (24/8). then.

A similar opinion was also conveyed by Hasyim Asy'ari as Chairman of the General Elections Commission (KPU). Hasyim said a number of reasons why the 2024 Pilkada would be better advanced to September.

Hasyim said that the acceleration of the Pilkada schedule was carried out as an effort to achieve the simultaneous inauguration of regional heads in December 2024. In addition, this step was also intended to form local governments and regional legislatures in the same year.

"So far, the simultaneous regional elections that have been achieved have only been simultaneous voting, the simultaneous inauguration has not been done," said Hasyim in a discussion by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), last Thursday (25/8).

Furthermore, Hasyim considered that the vote that had just been held in November was too close to the inauguration plan which was held in December. This is because of the potential for voting and recounting the results of the dispute at the Constitutional Court (MK).

"Because maybe people (candidates) will sue the Constitutional Court. (If) the Constitutional Court makes a re-voting decision, re-voting recapitulation, to achieve a fairly tough simultaneous inauguration," said Hasyim.

Commission II of the DPR RI is ready to discuss the discourse on accelerating the schedule for the 2024 Pilkada from its original plan in November. Guspardi Gaus, a member of Commission II of the DPR RI, said that this step was taken to create synchronization of development planning at the national level with local or regional levels.

If the 2024 Pilkada is still held in November, there will be the potential for the inauguration of regional heads to be delayed due to disputes being processed at the Constitutional Court. Guspardi revealed that he would discuss the discourse with interfractions in Commission II of the DPR and Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian.

That is the review of the reason why the 2024 Pilkada discourse was moved forward. Hasyim revealed that he had discussed the discourse with President Jokowi. The Pilkada that was submitted to September is considered to further guarantee national stability, especially in terms of security.

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