
JAKARTA - A pedestrian man, a resident of Pondok Gede, was found dead, allegedly hit by a KRL Commuter Line train on the banks of a railroad (KA) near Buaran Station, Cakung District, East Jakarta, Monday, August 28.

The victim was hit by the KRL Commuter Line from Bekasi to Jatinegara. His body was bounced to death after being struck by the KRL Commuter Line.

According to witness testimony, Tyo said the victim previously looked like he was about to cross the railroad tracks.

"Earlier he wanted to cross, it seemed like he was grazed. Earlier someone shouted at him but didn't listen," he told reporters, Monday, August 28.

From the victim's body, the identity of the photocopy of the ID card was found in the name of Aprianto (48), a resident of Jatimakmur, Pondok Gede, Bekasi City. The victim was lying on track two tracks.

"The incident occurred when the train from Pondok Kopi was going to Buaran, the KRL train. The victim was a male victim. The victim was a resident of Pondok Gede on his ID card," he said.

Police officers who came to the location immediately secured the scene because this incident caught the attention of road users. Meanwhile, the case is being handled by the Cakung Police.

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