
YOGYAKARTA Indonesia bought 24 Sikorsky S-70M Black Hawk helicopters. The purchase was witnessed by Prabowo as Minister of Defense with the Deputy Minister of SOEs of the Republic of Indonesia, Rosan Roeslani.

The signing was carried out at the Lockheed Martin facility, Washington. Black Hawk is certainly one of the best aircraft in the world to 34 countries in the world as well.

Of course Black Hawk is not just an ordinary fighter. This aircraft can also be a tool for the evacuation of natural disasters.

People think the country doesn't need a Black Hawk but with uncertain natural conditions it's not just war between countries that we will face but survive in harmony with nature.

The UH-60A is the first model of the Black Hawk helicopter series to officially start on December 23, 1976 when Sikorsky was selected by the US Army to build a prototype version of the YUH-60A Utilities Tactical Aircraft System (UTTAS) that we know as the current Black Hawk.

The Black Hawk helicopter was involved in several important conflicts and operations in modern history. In 1983, the Black Hawk helicopter was used in combat during the Grenada invasion. Then, in 1989, this helicopter was reused in operations in Panama.

One of the other historic moments was during the Gulf War in 1991. The Black Hawk helicopter is part of the largest airstrike mission ever carried out by the US Army. More than 300 Black Hawk helicopters were involved in this operation.

In 1993, the Black Hawk helicopter took part in the attack on Mogadishu in Somalia. The helicopter also played an important role in the 2003 Iraqi invasion and operations in Afghanistan.

The presence and role of the Black Hawk helicopter in these conflicts shows the flexibility and resilience of these helicopters in various tactical and operational situations.

Black Hawk is produced by Sikorsky Aircraft with several subsidiaries. For the Black Hawk purchased by Indonesia itself, the S-70M Black is produced by a subsidiary, Lockheed Martin's PZL Miele.

There are 4 variants of the Black Hawk helicopter, including

This type also has a different type of unit, for example from S70 there are various types.

Here are some of the main components of the Black Hawk S-70 helicopter:

Main Rotor and Rotor tail:

The Black Hawk helicopter has a main rotor that functions to generate the main lift, and a tail rotor that regulates the stability and direction of the helicopter.

Helicopter Body:

The main parts include the helicopter's body structure, passenger and crew cabins, as well as other important components.

Passenger Cabin:

Passenger sites, military personnel, or other payloads are placed. It can be arranged for various purposes, including medevac (medical evacuation) or special forces operations.


The Black Hawk is equipped with two turboshaft machines that provide power for the main rotor and other systems.

Avionic System:

State-of-the-art flight navigation, communications and surveillance systems to assist pilots in operating helicopters effectively and safely.


The main propellers and tails that produce lift power and control the movement of helicopters.

Tactical Equipment:

This helicopter can be equipped with various tactical equipment such as weapons, electronic equipment, and special equipment according to mission needs.

Fuel System:

The storage and fuel flow system is to provide fuel supplies to helicopter engines.

Landing Gear (Roda Landing):

Landing wheel system that allows helicopters to land and take off from different surface types.

Protection and Security Systems:

Various protection systems, including self-defense, missile protection, and security features to protect helicopters from enemy threats.

PTDI Akan Mendapat Berkah dari Black Hawk s70M. Dengan adanya pembelian tersebut PTDI akan memiliki hak untuk MRO (Maintenance, Repair, dan Overhaul). Tentunya ini akan sangat menguntungkan dalam bisnis kedepannya. Indonesia tentunya dapat melihat dan membuatnya secara langsung dari sisi teknologi dan lainnya. Secara simphan ada perjanjian ketika seorang membeli memiliki hak untuk membuat kembali atau dilarang memperbaiki dan lainnya.

The MRO agreement is very important especially for PT Dirgantara Indonesia. Logically, it's like you're buying something but you can rebuild or customize the products you've bought.

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