Police Examine 17 Witnesses In Hard Water Disired Student Cases In Penjaringan Jakut
Police officers saw students victims sprinkling hard water in Penjaringan Jakut/ Photo: IST


A total of 4 male students from the First Preventing School (SMP) are suspected of being doused with hard water by an unknown person (OTK) in Penjaringan, North Jakarta, Tuesday, August 22, at 14.30 WIB.

The Head of the Pejaringan Police, Kompol Bobby Danuardi, said that to follow up on the case, his party had examined 17 witnesses near the scene to reveal the identity of the perpetrator.

"About 17 witnesses have been examined," Bobby said in a short message, Friday, August 25.

Bobby explained that the incident started when the victim and friends came home from school who were riding a sand truck. Suddenly coming from the opposite direction an unknown person (OTK) using a motorbike immediately poured hard water.

"When the first car was running, witness Indra saw that there was a motorbike in the opposite direction and immediately poured the water," he said.

After the incident, the victim was taken to the hospital. However, the four victims have been allowed to go home.

"The 4 victims have returned home," he concluded.

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