
JAKARTA - Putri Chandrawathi alias PC, Fredy Sambo's wife is being held at the Jakarta Women's Prison, Pondok Bambu, East Jakarta. When she arrived at the prison, Putri Chandrawathi's appearance was different from that of inmates in general.

In the photo received by VOI, the convict Putri Chandrawathi looks elegant in all black clothes. Her hair decays straight and is locked. While her face looks a little pale.

"The PC (Putri Chandrawathi) was received according to the applicable SOP. The PC was received at the Jakarta Women's Prison on Wednesday, August 23 at 17.00 WIB," said Head of Public Relations and Protocol of the Directorate General of Corrections, Rika Aprianti when confirmed by VOI, Friday, August 25.

After arriving at the Jakarta Women's Prison, Putri Chandrawathi underwent an administrative process of admission by officers at the Jakarta Women's Prison.

"Administrative receipts were carried out, including checking files and health checks," he said.

After being executed at the Jakarta Women's Prison, Putri Chandrawathi was placed in a mapenaling room (environment introduction period).

Previously, the Prosecutor's Office executed Ferdy Sambo's wife, Putri Chandrawathi, to the Pondok Bambu Penitentiary, East Jakarta.

This execution process was carried out after the Supreme Court (MA) decided to cut Putri Candrwathi's criminal sanction from 20 years to 10 years in prison.

"Yes, that's right, (executed) according to the SOP," said South Jakarta District Attorney Syarief Sulaeman when confirmed, Thursday, August 24.

The execution process for Putri Candrawathi was carried out on Wednesday, August 23.

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